
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Treatment Plant


Tips treatment plant that is planted in the media hydrogel:

1. Use plants that can survive in the media hydrogel is that plants can survive in wet media, among other Aglaonema sp, Scindapsus sp, sp Cripthantus, Dracaena sp (emerald bamboo), Pilea cadieri (leaf-pearl), Anthurium sp, sp Diffenbachia, Philodendron sp, Cyperus sp (umbrella grass), Cordyline sp (various types of hanjuang) dll.
2. Get enough sunlight.
3. Sprinkling and fertilization can be done once a month. Use a fertilizer that does not damage the color of hydrogel (eg gandapan, hyponex) and use appropriate doses.
4. Avoid the sun's direct light, this is the color of pale hydrogel and mildew growth on the hydrogel.

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