
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Pengaruh Transpotasi, Tingkat Kemekaran Bunga, dan Kultivar Anggrek Pot Berbunga terhadap Ketahanan Segar pada Rumah Sere.


The experiment was conducted to find out the flower shelf-life of potted Dendrobium at screenhouse. The experiment was done at Research Institute of Ornamentals Plant Jakarta from July 1998 to April 1999.Potted Dendrobium used in the experiment was bearing first or second flowers. In this experiment, five blooming stages (0-5%, 25-30%, 45-50%, 70-75%, and 90-95% bud opening) of Dendrobium orchid were used. Potted plants were transported from Jakarta-Bandung vice-versa using refrigated vehicle (10-130C of temperature and 75-100% RH) for about 10 hours (+308.3 km). The experiment was arranged in factorial completely randomized design with 3 Replications.The results of the experiment indicated that potted Dendrobium cultivar Bandung Pink and Sakura White with blooming stage of 0-5% gave the best keeping quality with percentage of bud opening 85.7 and 92.5%, time of maximal blooming 17.7 days respectively.By applying those treatment the period of potted plant flower shelf-life could be extended and quality after transportation could be maintained. Keyword : Dendrobium sp.;Flowering potted plant; Postproduction; Transportation;Flower maturation. 1.Amiarsi, D. 2.Yulianingsih 3.Sabari, S.D; 1 dan 2, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias 3. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura

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