
Monday, September 01, 2008

Indigenous Flowers of Tibet

Tibet is been considered as one of the highest region in the world as its average elevation is about 4,500 meters. Tibet is quite often called as the Roof of the World because this country is located in the Himalayas which is one of the highest peaks in the world. With its excellent clear atmosphere, bright sunlight, natural beauty, geographic features and metrologies and mysteries of Tibetan culture. Tibet is also a great place for all the scientists, adventures and nature lovers. Besides deserts and snowfields in the region one can also find luxurious forests, bloomed meadows, beautiful lichen on trees and rocks and also swamps with cranes. The young geological and broad topological history of the region is in fact unique and rich with the botanical kingdom that exists in the region. The nature of this region has granted several beautiful wild flowers, most of these precious flowers are widespread in the Himalayas and Tibetan region. These flowers were produced in order adapt special environment of the region. This region possesses around 6,000 different species of vascular plants which include 110 species of Gentiana, 120 species of Primula and 190 species of Rhododendron. Calanthe metoensis, Mussaenda dicipiens, Omphalogramma tibeticium, Cypripedium elegans and Paeonia ludlowli are some of the other rare plants found in Tibet. Gentiana, a popular mountain plant is a type of flower that belongs to the Gentianaceae family. This particular flower has trumpet-shaped deep blue colored flowers, however may vary from yellow, creamy, red and white color. Primula, is a type of flower which belongs to the Primulaceae family and include oxlip, cowslip, primrose and auricular. These flowers are usually found in white, red, pink, yellow and purple colors. Few of the Primula flowers are frequently know as polyanthus. Rhododendron is a type of flower that belongs to the Ericaceae family. These rhododendrons are actually referred to as the king of shrubs. The spectacular spring flower of rhododendron makes one of the most famous garden shrubs. For several years Tibetans have adhered to environmental and spiritual values to preserve the fragile stability of life across the high plateaus on which they live. The Tibetan government passes strict laws to protect and preserve plant life and wild life. Preserving the plant life generally contributed to the know-how of ecosystem conservation and biodiversity science. The exploitation of natural resources was carefully regulated and manufacturing & testing of weapons was prohibited. The Tanaduk Institute of Tibet created a Tibetan Medical Plant Conservation Program in the mid 70’s. The researchers of this institute started botanical studies of those endangered plants. They also ensured the security of several endangered botanicals and continued to encourage studies of endangered plant cultivation & conversation and Tibetan medicines. Several countries have implemented new laws in order to protect endangered species or habitats for instance restricting land developments, stopping deforestation and planting new trees. Even the increasing level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is believed to worsen the capacity of several plants to survive freezing. So, several researchers suggest that global warming may lead to extra freezing in the near future. This particular pattern is actually dangerous for all the plants as several species must become accustomed to cold. Getting accustomed to the colder condition cam help these plants to withstand freezing, but extraordinary warmth early on in the year averts this process. Conservation of plants helps to maintain and enhance products valued by the people of the region like animals, native plants and habitats.Conservation actions even offer cultural advantages like opportunities for appreciation of historic heritage and landscapes.Natural areas and public conservation lands also contribute which are quiteoften ignored products like clean and clear water supply, benefits of regulating effects of erosion, climate change and flooding.Together, the environmental benefits and products are in fact referred to as ecosystem services which are underlain by ecological procedures like evolution, nutrient cycling, pollination and soil formation. The study of consumption, distribution and production of ecosystem services is known as environmental economics. Recently governments have more gradually analyzed ecosystem services as principal assets which enhance and sustain human lives. And as a result, there has been significant effort taken in charging ecosystem services across the region in order to promote efficient usage of ecosystem services.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Tanaman dengan ciri khas daun berbentuk hati dan tumbuh merambat ini mengandung segudang khasiat. Mulai gatal pada kulit sampai yang terbilang menakutkan seperti diabetes dan kanker. Sirih (Piper betle) termasuk tanaman “bandel” karena kemampuannya bertahan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang kurang optimal. Diletakkan di dalam rumah atau kepanasan di halaman tak jadi masalah baginya. Perbanyakannya pun cukup dengan menggunakan setek, potong tangkainya lalu ditanam. Hal terpenting bagi pertumbuhan sirih hanyalah kecukupan air. Di sisi lain, sirih ternyata mempunyai banyak kerabat. Seperti yang diungkapkan Harini Bambang Wahono, pecinta tanaman obat di bilangan Cilandak, Jakarta. Bila sebagian orang kebanyakan hanya mengenal sirih hijau, maka ia mengoleksi beragam sirih, seperti sirih merah, sirih hitam, sirih kuning, sirih kedaton, sirih hutan, sirih manila, sirih belanda, dan sirih liar atau suruan. Rupa dan Manfaat Berbeda Bukan saja rupa yang berbeda, manfaatnya pun berlainan. Ambil contoh sirih hijau dengan ciri daun berwarna hijau dan permukaan daun licin. Umumnya masyarakat merebus beberapa helai daun sirih hijau dan memanfaatkan air rebusannya untuk mengatasi gangguan jerawat, sariawan, sakit gigi, sakit mata sampai masalah kewanitaan. Sirih hijau juga biasa digunakan langsung untuk mengatasi mimisan, bisul, eksim, dan luka bakar. Lain halnya dengan sirih merah. Menurut Harini, sirih yang daunnya berwarna merah ini mampu menjinakkan keluhan yang lebih berat, seperti diabetes, kanker, hipertensi, batu ginjal, hepatitis, dan ambeien. Caranya, “Ambil satu genggam daun sirih merah, lalu rebus dengan dua gelas air. Minum pagi dan malam dengan telaten,” ujar penerima Kalpataru 2002 atas dedikasinya terhadap lingkungan hidup ini. Hari ini menambahkan, selain sebagai tanaman obat, sirih merah juga diburu para hobiis tanaman hias. Maklum, daunnya yang tersusun atas kombinasi warna hijau dan merah dengan motif putih di setiap tulang daunnya terlihat cantik. Sedangkan pada bagian bawah daun seluruh sisi terisi warna merah. “Harganya cukup mahal, sekitar Rp10.000 per helai. Mahal karena indah dan khasiatnya hebat,” komentarnya. Berbeda lagi sirih hitam. Dengan warna daun hijau tua kehitaman, sejumlah literatur menyebutkan sirih ini berkhasiat lima kali lebih dahsyat dibandingkan sirih merah. Namun, pernyataan tersebut masih sebatas kesaksian empiris dan perlu pendalaman medis lebih lanjut. Selain itu, sirih hitam sering dikaitkan dengan dunia klenik. Para dukun menggunakannya untuk melengkapi sesajen saat mereka berpraktik. “Taruh sirih hitam di depan rumah, jika ada roh jahat masuk dia akan berbelok dan nggak jadi masuk kerena takut sama sirih hitam,” canda Hartini Pembina Kelompok Tani Perkotaan “Dahlia” itu punya pengalaman unik dengan sirih hitam. Suatu saat di kawasan rumahnya hujan deras dan petir saling bergantian bersambaran. Kebetulan rumah salah satu anggota kelompoknya tampak tersambar petir. Namun anehnya rumah tersebut tidak rusak sedikit pun, tapi tanaman sirih hitam yang berada di depan rumahnya mendadak mati. Saat dilihat, tangkainya patah dan gosong terbakar. Aneh tapi nyata,” ungkap nenek 77 tahun ini Sedangkan sirih belanda dipercaya sebagai sirkulator udara dalam ruangan. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan, sirih dengan ukuran daun lebih besar dari jenis lainnya ini efektif menyerap formalin dan benzena. Dalam sehari, sirih belanda mampu menyerap 54% dari total benzena 0,156 ppm. Untuk formalin, dari 18 ppm dapat dihilangkan sebesar 67%. Selain itu, karbon monoksida sebesar 113 ppm dapat dilenyapkan hingga 75%. Hebat ya, manfaat tanaman sirih ini. Anda tertarik memeliharanya? Selamet Riyanto/AGRINA


Vascular Streak Dieback disease of cocoa (II) Diagnosis on cutting

Diagnosis to identify VSD fungus (Oncobasidium theobromae) on cocoa plants is indispensable. An experiment to identify the fungus on cuttings derived from infected twig and leaves has been rarried out at hte Research Institute for Estate Crops in Jember, Indonesia. The results showed that the VSD fungus could be identified only on cuttings prepared from infected twig. The mycelium grew out from the injured parts, i.e. leaf scar and cut sides of twigs and leaves. The fungus has covered all of the cuttings on the third day of incubation. The growth of fungus on leaf cuttings was slower than that on twig cuttings with trimmed leaves. It is concluded that cuttings prepared from infected twig could be used to identify O. Theobromae. Sri Sukamto, Yohanes Djoko Junianto; Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Jember



Tanaman satu ini belakangan makin digemari. Konon, buahnya punya khasiat menyembuhkan banyak penyakit. Selain itu, penampilannya di pot pun tak kalah menawan dibanding tanaman hias. Penampilannya, jelas memang menarik. Bulat mengerucut dengan batang segitiga yang tak lazim. Biasanya, segi empat atau malah banyak segi. Tubuhnya dihiasi duri, meski pendek dan tidak mencolok. Sepintas, mirip kaktus. Bobot tubuhnya lumayan, per buah mencapai setengah kilo. Di mal atau supermarket, ia biasa dijual sekitar Rp 20 ribu sampai Rp 25 ribu per kilo. Rasanya manis segar, sedikit asam. Ada pula yang mengaitkannya dengan mitos, katanya ia mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah dan kolesterol. Akhir-akhir ini, ia juga mulai dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias berbuah yang ditanam di pot. Namanya buah Naga. Mungkin ada yang masih asing. Maklum, di samping relatif baru di Indonesia, yakni sekitar awal 2000-an, belum banyak orang yang mengusahakannya. KENAPA NAGA? Negeri asalnya Meksiko, Amerika Selatan. Tahun 1870, seorang pemburu tanaman dari Perancis membawanya ke Vietnam. Ternyata, bisa tumbuh baik. Bahkan, orang Vietnam yang menganut budaya Cina amat tertarik pada buah itu, lalu menamakannya thang loy. Artinya, buah naga. Nama itu kemudian di-Inggris-kan menjadi dragon fruit. Kenapa dinamakan buah naga? Mungkin karena batangnya yang memang menjulur berwarna hijau, mirip tubuh naga. Bicara soal naga juga tak luput dari budaya Cina. Tak heran, saat perayaan Imlek, buah ini diserbu mereka yang merayakannya. Bahkan, ada yang meletakkannya di antara 2 ekor patung naga hijau di atas meja altar. Mereka beranggapan, buah naga bisa membawa berkah. Tanaman ini juga disebut night blooming cereus. Ia berbunga hanya semalam (one night only). Saat panjang sekitar 30 cm, kuncup bunga biasanya akan membuka. Sekitar pukul 9 malam, mahkota bunga bagian luar yang berwarna krem tampak mekar. Di tengah malam, pukul 00.00, mahkota bagian dalam yang putih dan benangsari kuning akan bermekaran dan memancarkan aroma harum. Bau ini biasanya mengundang datangnya kelelawar, yang ternyata punya tugas menyerbuki bunganya. Dari bunga lalu jadilah buah. Bulat mengerucut, berkulit tebal 2-3 cm, dan, ini yang khas, di permukaan kulit buah terdapat jambul-jambul 1-2 cm. Petiklah buah itu, cuci bersih, lalu letakkan di atas piring. Belah jadi dua bagian, lalu ambil sendok untuk mengeruk daging buahnya plus biji hitam yang kecil-kecil itu. Hmm segar dan manis rasanya, meski agak asam. MENJADIKAN NAGA SEBAGAI TAMBULAPOT Semula, tanaman buah Naga dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias. Ini mengingat ia masih sebangsa dengan kaktus. Tak heran bila kini ia juga diupayakan sebagai tanaman hias, yang ditanam dalam pot. Jadilah, tabulampot yang benar-benar eksotik. Bagaimana cara menciptakan tabulampot buah Naga? Langkah pertama, sediakan pot. Pilih pot dari tanah liat berdiameter sekitar 40 - 50 cm. Setelah itu, sediakan tiang panjatan. Pilih yang kuat dari besi beton berdiameter 8 - 10 cm. Buatlah tiang setinggi 200 cm. Seluruh tiang panjatan diberi sabut kelapa yang diikatkan. Bagian bawah tiang dibuatkan kaki-kaki tiang. Panjang kaki tiang 35 cm, dibentuk trapesium dengan ukuran 30 cm. Setelah itu, pulas dengan aspal agar tak gampang keropos. Bagian atas tiang dibuatkan piringan diameter 40 cm, sementara bagian tengahnya diberi besi dipasang bersilang. Pada pertemuan silangan, beri besi tegak lurus sepanjang 30 cm, yang nantinya dimasukkan pada bagian ujung tiang. Seperti biasa, sediakan pula media tanam berupa campuran tanah, pasir, bubuk bata merah, pupuk kandang, dan kompos (1 : 2 : 2 : 3 : 1). Campur merata, masukkan ke dalam pot hingga 80 persen volumenya. Tambah dolomit 100 gram/pot dan pupuk Hortigo 20 gram/ pot. Siram sampai basah, biarkan semalam. Sebaiknya, beli bibit dari penangkar tanaman buah naga. Pilih bibit stek batang sepanjang 60 cm dengan diameter 7 cm. Setelah itu, buat 3 lubang tanam dalam pot dengan kedalaman 10 cm dan diameter 6 cm. Setelah ditanam, tekan media di sekitar bibit agar padat. Berilah air, dan ikat bibit tersebut agar tidak mudah roboh. Basahi permukaan media dengan sedikit air. Usahakan jangan sampai air menggenangi pangkal batang. Sebab, pangkal batang peka terhadap genangan air, dan bisa mematikan. Langkah terakhir, letakkan buah Naga di pot di lokasi yang mendapat sinar matahari, terutama pada pagi hari. Tak lama, Anda pun akan menikmati indahnya tabulampot buah Naga. Mungkin itu yang membuatnya jadi makin dicari orang.***Nova


The good news is that planting flower bulbs is fast, easy, and nearly foolproof.

One reason bulbs are so beloved of both beginner and master gardeners is that, with so few issues to consider, gardeners can put all their effort into the fun part of gardening — design. * When the bulbs arrive. Bulbs should be planted as soon as the ground is cool. In most parts of the country, this would be around the time of the first frosts, when evening temperatures average between 40° to 50° F. But you should plant at least six weeks before the ground freezes. You can, if necessary, store bulbs for a month or longer, if you keep them in a cool dry place. When in doubt, however, the bulbs belong in the ground. They won’t last till next season. * Read the label. And keep the label together with the bulbs until planting. Without the label, you can’t tell the red tulips from the white ones just by looking at the bulbs. * Where to plant. You can plant bulbs just about anywhere in your garden — so long as the soil drains well. The Dutch say, "bulbs don’t like wet feet." So, avoid areas where water collects, such as the bottom of hills. Bulbs also like sun. But the spring garden is very sunny — the leaves aren’t on the trees yet. Get creative! * Prepare the planting bed by digging the soil so it’s loose and workable. If it’s not an established garden bed, chances are the soil could use the addition of some organic matter such as compost or peat moss. These are available at most local garden retailers. * Plant the pointy end up. That’s about all you need to know. It’s easy to spot the pointy end of a tulip. Tougher with a crocus. But in most cases, even if you don’t get it right, the bulb flower will still find its way topside. * Plant big bulbs about 8-inches deep and small bulbs about 5-inches. * No fertilizer is necessary for the first year’s bloom. Bulbs are natural storehouses of food. They don’t need anything to flower the first year. For bulbs that are intended to naturalize or perennialize (return for several years) or for bulbs that are coming into their second year, spread an organic fertilizer such as compost or well-rotted cow manure, or a slow release bulb food on top of the soil. * If you do fertilize, never mix fertilizer in the planting hole. It can burn the roots. Also don’t follow the old adage of adding bone meal. Modern bone meal adds little nutritional value. It can also encourage pests and even dogs to dig up your bulbs looking for bones! * Plant bulbs in clusters. Don’t plant one bulb alone, or make a long thin line along the walk. Clusters give a concentration of color for greatest impact. Even if you don’t have enough bulbs for a big bed, small clusters can make a super spring show. * Plant low bulbs in front of high. This is a good general rule for bulbs that bloom at the same time. Our website will give you the height of the plant and it’s approximate flowering time. Of course there are times to break this rule. For example if the low growing bulbs bloom early and the tall bulbs bloom late, plant the tall in front. Their display will camouflage the dying foliage of the smaller bulbs! * Try a double-decker effect. You can plant small bulbs in a layer right on top of large bulbs. If you plant bulbs that flower in the same period you can create an interesting double-decker effect (picture bright pink tulips blooming above cobalt blue Grape Hyacinths). Or you can stagger the bloom time by planting mid- and late-season bloomers together, creating a spring display that blooms in succession, for a whole season of color! In the end, what you do with spring bulbs is limited only by your imagination. A few hours one brisk autumn afternoon can yield months of colorful excitement in your yard or garden next spring.


Hookeri Hijau Mini

Keindahan Varian Berstang Pendek . Sosok yang minimalis, semakin kecil – semakin dicari. Istilah itu mungkin cocok untuk menjelaskan fenomena pecinta tanaman hias saat ini. Bagaimana tidak, segala daya upaya sering dilakukan untuk membuat tanaman kerdil, seperti yang telah dilakukan pada bonsai. Dan sepertinya, hal ini juga terjadi pada anthurium, tanaman fenomenal. Pada dasarnya, tidak semua jenis anthurium yang pertumbuhannya ‘irit’ disukai oleh pengagumnya. Jenis jenmanii misalnya, varian ini umumnya memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang relatif lamban. Itu jika dibandingkan dengan jenis hookeri dan gelombang cinta (gelcin). Untuk itulah, memiliki jenis ini dengan ukuran raksasa dan urat daun yang sempurna adalah gengsi tersendiri bagi sang pemiliknya.Namun bagaimana dengan gelcin dan hookeri? Kedua jenis ini menempati peringkat pertama dan kedua jika dibandingkan saudara bungsunya jenmanii dalam hal perbanyakan dan pertumbuhan. Seringnya kedua jenis tumbuh dengan cepat dan besar, membuat banyak pencintanya kini lebih melirik jenis dengan sifat menyimpang yang umumnya selain warna, juga dilihat dari kecepatan tumbuh yang lambat atau jika boleh memakai istilah bonsai pada anthurium.Seperti halnya salah satu koleksi hookeri pebisnis di Surabaya yang satu ini, Ahmad Nur Hadi (karyawan, red). Ukurannya yang tak biasa, membuat jenis hookeri dengan tinggi tak kurang dari 40 cm di usianya yang lebih dari 1,5 tahun ini sempat ditawar hingga Rp 4,5 juta. Itu jelas harga fantastis, mengingat jenis ini paling mahal dihargai Rp 2 juta dengan usia yang sama.Panjang batang dengan daun yang lebar adalah ciri paling sering didapati dari jenis hookeri hijau, terutama jika jenis ini sudah menginjak usia satu tahun lebih. Biasanya jika mendapat nutrisi yang benar, maka jenis ini akan tumbuh dengan liar dan dengan tidak didukung lingkungan yang benar, maka batang pun tumbuh kian panjang dan jauh dari kesan rouset.Demikian sekilas gambaran hookeri hijau yang banyak kita jumpai di setiap pameran bunga. Secara umum, jenis ini sering dihargai rata-rata Rp 1 juta untuk ukuran dewasa dan belum bertongkol. Namun berbeda dengan kondisi jenis yang satu ini. Bentuknya semi oval – sedikit memanjang.Sepintas, bentuknya mengingatkan kita pada jenis garuda. Hanya lipatan khas yang biasa ada di pangkal daun garuda, tidak dimiliki jenis hookeri yang satu ini. Ia berbatang pendek, dengan pola tumbuh daun yang rouset. Mungkin Anda akan heran, jika jenis yang satu ini adalah anthurium jenis hookeri hijau. Ahmad yang merupakan karyawan sebuah nurseri besar di Surabaya ini, mengaku kalau hookeri rawatannya ini sering menyita banyak mata orang yang melihat, baik itu saat dipajang di nurseri maupun saat diboyong ke setiap pameran. Bahkan tak hanya mereka yang suka anthurium, beberapa kali koleksinya ini sempat menarik minat juri untuk memberikan gelar dalam kesempatan beradu cantik anthurium. [adi] Rahasia di Balik Batang MiniPada bonsai, ada istilah pruning batang dan akar. Tujuannya, untuk menjaga ukuran tanaman, sehingga tetap mini. Pada sansevieria, ada proses pembatasan akar dengan membuat media tanam dengan bahan tertentu, sehingga akar sulit berkembang. Dan di dunia adenium, kita mengenal magic dragon yang siap membuat daun dan ukuran tanaman jadi kerdil.Lalu, bagaimana dengan anthurium? Pada dasarnya, menurut Ahmad, membuat kerdil itu susah-susah gampang. Sebab, terkadang tanaman ini tak membutuhkan perawatan tertentu untuk menjaga ukuran agar tetap tamping, terutama pada jenis hookeri yang umumnya memiliki stang panjang.Ahmad mengatakan, jika kita sudah mengenal sifat dan kebutuhan anthurium, maka cara ini paling mudah dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Biasanya, permainan cahaya, lingkungan, dan suhu adalah kunci yang bisa membuat hookeri bisa tampil menawan dengan ukuran mini. Permainan cahaya yang dimaksud Ahmad adalah pemenuhan kebutuhan sinar ultraviolet (UV). Itu untuk proses fotosintesis hookeri agar cukup, tidak berlebih atau tidak sampai kekurangan.“Jika kekurangan, batang akan tumbuh memanjang, sampai daun mendapat paparan sinar matahari yang cukup. Sedangkan jika kebanyakan, akan berakibat buruk pada daun yang akan mengalami gosong,” ungkap Ahmad.Ukuran paparan sinar UV yang sesuai pada hookeri yang akan dibuat mini pada dasarnya sama dengan kebutuhan sinar jenis anthurium yang lain, yaitu sekitar 20% - 40% dari sinar matahari secara keseluruhan. Kedua adalah faktor lingkungan. Dalam membuat lingkungan yang ideal, usahakan untuk tidak menumpuk angin pada satu sisi.Caranya, membuat ventilator bekerja dalam mengatur angin, sehingga muncul jalur satu arah. Umumnya, gerak angin yang sesuai adalah dari samping menuju atas. Namun pemanfaatan kecepatan angin sebaiknya juga diatur, jangan terlalu cepat dan kuat, juga jangan terlalu lemah. Sebab, jika terlalu cepat daun tidak akan rouset.Dan sebaliknya – jika angin lemah – maka hookeri akan mudah menderita dehidrasi dan rawan sakit. Dan cara terakhir untuk membuat hookeri tetap kerdil dan terlihat sehat adalah dengan menstimulasi suhu ruangan mendekati daerah dataran tinggi. Umumnya, anthurium suka dengan lingkungan dengan suhu antara 22-25 0C.Selain bisa menggunakan lantai bata atau lebih mudahnya dengan air conditioner (AC), cara lain juga dapat diadopsi dari perawatan anggrek, yaitu dengan menggunakan penyemprot spray otomatis. Selain penerapan luar - dalam hal kebutuhan nutrisi – sebaiknya juga dijaga. Seperti pada anthurium yang lain – hookeri – terutama hookeri hijau (yang sering tumbuh dengan batang dan daun bongsor), memerlukan phospor dan kalium tinggi.Jika perawatan benar dan pemberian nutrisi tepat, jangan heran jika jenis hookeri yang sering tumbuh liar dan jauh dari indah ini, bisa tampil ideal dengan daun minimalis yang rouset. Selamat mencoba. [adi]


Determination of minimum plot size of Robusta coffe field experiment

An experiment to determine the minimum plot size of Robusta coffee field trial has been conducted. The Randomized Complete Block Design with four treatment levels was used for this purpose. Plant height, stem girth, and number of primary branches were taken as growth variable, whereas weight of coffee cherries at the second harvest was used as yield variable. A regression equation based on power function was made to describe the relationship between plot size and error variance. The results showed that when plant got older, the habitus got more homogeneou. The optimum plot size to observe the growth parameters of Robusta coffee is different depending on the size of the plant. If the coefficient of variation is 10 percent, a plot size of 9-26 trees is optimum for observation done at four months after planting. The value become 7-14 tress and 3-5 trees at 10 month and 16 month observations respectively. As regards the yield, the optimum plot size is the one consisting of 14 trees. Suryo Wardani, Winaryo, Soenaryo; Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Jember


Manfaat dan kepopulerannya buah lemon

MESKI berukuran kecil, buah ini memiliki manfaat yang tidak mungil. Industri farmasi, kosmetik, sampai rumah tangga membutuhkannya. Sayang, ia sangat jarang menampakkan diri di pasaran. Pada umumnya, lemon-lemon — seperti sitrun, rough lemon, lemon hitam atau lemon madura — memang berukuran mini. Sementara bagi para aktivis dapur yang biasa mengolah sajian ikan, lemon cui bukanlah barang asing. Pasalnya, selain berfungsi mengusir bau amis, jeruk mungil ini juga bisa memberi aroma penggugah selera makan. Seperti jeruk pada umumnya, lemon cui kaya akan vitamin C dan kalsium. Istimewanya, pohon lemon ini begitu produktif dan mampu berbuah sepanjang musim. Ia berbentuk bulat kecil, seukuran jeruk nipis dengan cita rasa sangat asam. Ketika masih muda berwarna hijau gelap. Setelah tua, kulit buah jadi lebih halus dan lunak menyerupai jeruk siam medan berukuran mini, sedangkan warnanya menjelma jadi kekuning-kuningan. Daging buah berair banyak dengan keharuman cukup tajam dan tahan lama. Karena aromanya itulah, orang Madura kerap mengolah lemon cui jadi pengharum ruangan tradisional. Perasan jeruk kecil ini juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk campuran air ketika mencuci rambut. Hasilnya? Rambut lebih licin berkilat dan tidak kusam. Selebihnya, seperti jeruk nipis, bila perasannya dicampur sesendok kecap, mampu mengusir batuk dengan cepat. Batang lemon cui bercabang dan beranting banyak. Jika dibiarkan tumbuh lepas, cabang dan rantingnya akan menjulang tidak beraturan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pemangkasan. Batangnya yang berwarna gelap sama sekali tidak berduri, sedangkan daunnya yang cenderung menghadap ke atas berukuran 2-3 cm dan lebar 1-2 cm. Warna hijau tua dengan bentuk membulat. Selain berguna untuk pengolahan sajian yang terbuat dari ikan, lemon cui juga bisa diolah jadi minuman jeruk segar atau lemon tea. Ia sangat pas untuk mengusir rasa dahaga sekaligus penyegar tubuh yang kelelahan. Kalau begitu, mengapa kita tak mencoba menanamnya sendiri? Tumbuhan ini sangat manis dijadikan tabulampot (tanaman buah dalam pot). Ketika berbuah lebat, penampilannya benar-benar tidak mengecewakan. Persiapan tanam Bibit lemon cui dapat diperoleh dari penangkar bibit buah-buahan. Bibit tersebut bisa berasal dari perbanyakan vegetatif, entah okulasi, cangkokan, maupun sambungan. Ukuran pot harus disesuaikan dengan besar kecilnya tanaman. Media tanam yang digunakan adalah tanah kebun yang subur. Bisa juga campuran tanah, pasir, dan pupuk kandang (1:1:1). Sebelum menanam bibit, tutuplah lubang dasar pot dengan pecahan genteng, lantas lapisi atasnya dengan kerikil dan pasir secukupnya. Kemudian masukan media tanam tadi dengan volume sepertiga saja. Kemudian, pangkaslah sebagian akar bibit lemon cui. Jangan sampai ada akar tunggang yang terlalu panjang. Letakkan bibit di tengah-tengah pot, kemudian isi media tanam lagi. Siramlah dengan sedikit air agar tanah memadat. Tabulampot lemon cui membutuhkan sinar matahari. Kebutuhan penyinarannya setiap hari sekira lima jam. Oleh karena itu, letakkan tabulampot pada posisi yang tidak terlalu teduh lalu lakukan penyiraman secara teratur. Jika tabulampot lemon cui sudah berumur 3-4 tahun, sebaiknya lakukan repotting. Caranya, pangkas lebih dulu cabang tanaman sebanyak sepertiganya. Biarkan tanah mengering selama 2-3 hari, tanpa melakukan penyiraman. Angkat tanaman dan buang sebagian tanahnya. Jangan lupa, siapkan pot baru yang ukurannya lebih besar dan — tentu saja — media tanam baru. Isi pot dengan tanah pengganti, lalu tanamkan lemon cui sekali lagi. Agar tumbuhan mungil ini mampu berbuah produktif, lakukan pemupukan setiap empat bulan sekali. Pada umur empat bulan pertama, taburkan NPK sebanyak 25 gram per tanaman. Lantas, sesuai dengan bertambahnya umur tanaman, dosis pupuknya bertambah jadi 50 gram, 100 gram, 400 gram, dan seterusnya. Selain pemupukan, lakukan pula pemangkasan. Di samping untuk meningkatkan produktivitas buah, pemangkasan juga dimaksudkan untuk mempercantik penampilan. Idealnya, proporsi perbatangan tabulampot lemon cui adalah 1, 3, dan 9 yang akan menghasilkan 27 cabang atau ranting tersier. Artinya, satu batang pokok setinggi 50-100 cm hanya memiliki tiga cabang primer yang posisinya berimbang (panjang cabang primer 30-50 cm) dan sembilan cabang sekunder. Dengan demikian, cabang atau ranting lainnya dibuang saja. Pembuahan akan terjadi pada ranting-ranting tersier. Hama ulat Lemon cui jarang terkena penyakit dan nyaris bebas hama. Kalaupun ada, satu-satunya pengganggu hanyalah ulat papilio. Binatang lunak ini menyerang daun muda dan tunas yang sudah berdaun. Sangat menjengkelkan jika dibiarkan begitu saja, tingkat serangan si ulat bisa menghebat dan hanya menyisakan kerangka tulang daun. Akibatnya, tanaman jadi gundul total dan akhirnya mati. Ketika masih muda, ulat ini berwarna cokelat. Ia berubah wujud jadi hijau bergaris putih, saat dewasa dengan panjang 50-60 mm. Untuk pengendaliannya, penanam perlu mengamati kondisi tabulampot ini secara teratur. Jika menemukan 1-2 ulat papilio, bisa langsung dihabisi. Namun, kalau jumlahnya banyak dan serangan tergolong akut, bisa dibasmi dengan insektisida. Akan tetapi, sebaiknya tetap waspada saat melakukan penyemprotan, jangan sampai terkena buahnya. Orang bilang, kepopuleran buah imut ini tengah menanjak, lantaran mulai menyaingi jeruk nipis. Para peneliti juga mulai memikirkan pengembangan lemon cui tanpa biji. Tak heran, berbagai kelebihannya memang bisa menggugah selera pasar buah sekaligus menjadikannya sebagai komoditas unggulan. Terlebih, iklim Indonesia cukup sesuai untuknya. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? .Sumber : Pikiran Rakyat


Study on growth characteristics of Robusta coffe generated from seddling, grafting and cuttings

An experiment to study growth characteristics of three different planting materials of Robusta coffee generated from seedling, grafting and cuttings has been conducted at Kaliwining Experimental Garden of the Research Institute for Estate Crops of Jember. Four cultivars namely BP 254, BP 288, BP 358 and BP 409, were used in this experiment. The results showed that the number of primaries and width of canopy of plants generated from cuttings were greater than those of the other planting materials. As regards stem diameter and plant height no significant difference were observed between treatments. Plants generated from cuttings showed a more homogeneous growth. Growth of stem diameter and height of plants generated from grafting were lower than the other two planting materials while the number of primaries and width of canopy were not significantly different from those generated from seedling.


Harmonia octomaculata (F). as a predator of Leucaena psyllied

An insect species which belong to Coccinellidae has been found assosiated consistently with the leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla spp. in East Java. Laboratory observation proved that both larvae and adults of this insect are predators of Heteropsylla spp. The insect was identified as Harmonia octomaculata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Soekadar Wiryadipura, Nano Priyatno dkk.; Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Jember


Efficiency of ornamental plants cultivation.

Review on efficiency of ornamental plants cultivation is to inform on ornamental plants management especially on efficiency of seed management, fertilizer application, growing media, and plant ecology. Research results showed that the best plant performance and flower quality of chrysanthemum were obtained in cyclic lighting pattern of (7,5 light-22,S dark) 8 X and light intensity of 40 lux. The sliced corm with 20 - 40 g could reduced 50% seed of gladiolus. Application of fertilizers 22,5 kg N/ha in the row placement could reduced 350-550 kg N/ha. Chip budding of rose since cutting preparation could benefit on time efficiency. Nitrogen application every two months on Jasmine resulting flower production pattern with sharp fluctuation compare every three and four months. Coconut fiber, the compost of empty fruit bunches of oilpalm, rice husk, compost of bamboo leaf, sugarcane bagasse, and cocoa husk, were efficient media alternate for orchids, pot plant, and cut flowers. Sri Wuryaningsih and Toto Sutater.


TaBuLamPot : Solusi Pas di Lahan Terbatas

Sinar Harapan, Cibinong – Keterbatasan lahan tak mesti mengekang hobi pertanian. Sebagian pehobi coba kutak-kutik. Mereka tetap melakukan hobi berkebun walau ruang yang tersedia tak cukup luas. Jangan sebut kata luas, tapi pas-pasan. Lewat sebuah kebetulan, muncul alternatif baru untuk menjawab kelangkaan lahan tadi. Dari situ, pilihan tempat untuk menanam tak lagi terbatas di lahan terbuka, macam pekarangan atau kebun, namun sudah merambah pada media pot. Inilah yang disebut tanaman buah dalam pot atau yang di kalangan pehobi disebut ”tabulampot”. ”Tanbulampot memang dikenal sebagai solusi bertani bagi orang-orang kota. Dengan lahan sempit, orang-orang kota itu ingin bisa menikmati buah dari pohon yang mereka tanam,” ungkap Lily Turangan (57), salah seorang pehobi tanaman di bilangan Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor. Ibu yang mengaku cinta tanaman sejak usia sekolah dasar ini amat tergila-gila dengan tanaman buah dalam pot. Buktinya, ia tak cuma menanam pohon buah dalam pot saja tapi ikut mengembangbiakkan tanaman itu.Menurut Ir. Joesi Endah, penggemar tanaman yang juga konsultan pertanian, budi daya sistem tanaman buah dalam pot tak hanya melahirkan solusi bertani bagi orang kota atau pemilik lahan sempit, namun juga mengandung kolaborasi antara teknologi pertanian dan nilai estetika.Awalnya, cara bertanam di dalam pot hanyalah sebagai kegiatan iseng beberapa penangkar buah. Ini dilakukan karena bibit tanamannya tak banyak yang laku terjual. Kejadian ini berlangsung pada awal delapan puluhan. Saat itu, urusan jual-beli bibit tanaman buah belum semeriah sekarang.Khawatir bibit yang tak laku tumbuh terus, para penangkar itu nekat menanamnya dalam pot. Perawatan yang dilakukan pun tak jauh beda ketika bibit itu ditanam di tanah lapang. Hasilnya, sungguh di luar dugaan. ”Mereka bisa tetap mendapat buah. Bahkan lebih rajin berbuah dan tanamannya mudah didapat,” kata Joesi, insinyur pertanian jebolan Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB).Ada sejumlah keuntungan bila memelihara tanaman buah dalam pot di sekitar kita. Paling gampang, kebutuhan gizi dan vitamin keluarga bisa terpenuhi berkat buah yang hadir hampir sepanjang musim. Belum lagi, unsur penghijauan rumah meski hanya punya lahan pas-pasan. Unsur estetika dan keindahan pun bisa muncul. Coba saja lihat saat tanaman itu semarak berbuah. Warna kuning ranum berpadu hijau daun yang cantik. Lagi pula ukuran tajuk tanaman ini tergolong ”kompak” sebab tingginya hanya sekitar 1 sampai 2 meter saja.”Penempatan secara soliter di teras atau di dalam ruangan bisa dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan dan kondisi tanaman. Ia juga bisa dipadukan dengan tanaman hias di taman atau halaman rumah,” ujar Joesi tentang fungsi estetika tanaman buah dalam pot.Beragam tanaman buah saat ini sudah banyak yang berhasil dibudidayakan dengan distem pot. Lily Turangan menyebut enam jenis tanaman buah yang biasa ia tanam dengan teknik ini. ”Dari pengalaman saya, jenis mangga, jambu biji, belimbing, jeruk, srikaya dan kedondong mudah berbuah dan hidup dalam pot.”Ada yang mudah, tentu ada pula yang sulit. Jenis alpukat, durian, gandaria dan nangka besar adalah beberapa contoh tanaman buah yang sulit ditanam sebagai tanaman dalam pot. Sedang jambu bol, jambu mawar, manggis, duku, jamblang, lengkeng, nangka madu dan rambutan termasuk contoh yang agak sulit dibudidayakan sebagai tanaman dalam pot.
Lima SyaratAgar tanaman dalam pot rajin berbuah, Lily dan Joesi sama-sama menyebut sejumlah syarat yang harus dipenuhi. Paling tidak ada lima syarat tumbuh atau faktor yang jadi pertimbangan.Pertama, pemilihan jenis tanaman yang sesuai dengan ketinggian tempat. Kedua, pemilihan bibit tanaman. Diikuti pemilihan media tanam dan pot. Lalu pemupukan yang efektif dan terakhir, pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman.Pengetahuan asal-usul tanaman harus sudah nyantol di otak sebelum memutuskan menanam suatu bibit tanaman buah dengan teknik pot. Ini penting. ”Jangan sampai stroberi dan apel yang merupakan tanaman di daerah dingin, ditanam di dataran rendah. Wah, mana mau berbuah dia,” kata Joesi memberi perumpamaan. Umumnya, semua jenis tanaman buah hanya dapat berbunga dan berbuah dengan baik bila ditanam di daerah berketinggian sekitar 400 m dpl.Pemilihan bibit juga tak kalah penting. Bibit yang baik tentu akan menghasilkan – secara kualitas dan kuantitas – pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman yang jempolan. ”Saya menganjurkan untuk memilih bibit tanaman buah yang jelas asal-usulnya. Artinya, bibit dibeli dari penangkar tanaman yang baik dan terpercaya,” ucap Lily.Urusan bibit selesai, langkah berikut menyiapkan media tanam dan pot. Kata Joesi, media tanam yang digunakan untuk tanaman buah dalam pot sebaiknya memenuhi syarat minimal, yaitu mengandung tanah sebesar 50 %, pasir 20 % dan bahan organik 30 %.Dari syarat minimal tadi, bisa diterjermahkan menjadi berbagai macam komposisi bahan dasar sebagai media tanaman buah dalam pot. Bahan dasar untuk media tanam terdiri atas tanah, pupuk kandang, kompos, pupuk kimiawi dan bahan lain sebagai tambahan.Pemilihan pot yang tepat menjadi modal awal bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Pot yang digunakan bisa dipilih dengan memanfaatkan kaleng biskuit bekas, sisa galon air mineral, ember tak terpakai, drum bekas senyawa kimia dan lainnya. Agar menghindari kontaminasi zat, Lily menyarankan membeli wadah yang sudah dicuci. Wadah favorit tetap dipegang belahan drum bekas. Wadah ini mampu menampung seluruh sistem pengakaran.Pemupukan harus dilakukan dengan dosis tertentu. Kelebihan dan kekurangan dosis tentu berdampak buruk bagi tanaman itu. Jenis pupuk yang bisa dipilih memang beragam. Yang pasti, tanaman buah butuh unsur hara makro, seperti N, P, K dan unsur hara mikro macam Ca, Mg dan S. Unsur hara mineral itu merupakan sumber nutrisi bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Cermati pula waktu dan cara pemupukan.Langkah terakhir, pengawasan terhadap hama dan penyakit tanaman. Faktor pengganggu ini jangan sampai mengacaukan mimpi Anda untuk memanen buah. Bayangkan betapa kecewanya hati ini saat mengetahui pertumbuhan tanaman buah terhambat oleh hama dan penyakit.Pada tanaman buah juga dikenal teknik pemangkasan. Tujuannya, kata Joesi, untuk menjaga kesehatan dan meningkatkan produksi. Pemangkasan juga mampu menjaga kelembaban tanaman sehingga tak mudah terserang hama dan penyakit.Berdasar umur tanaman, pemangkasan terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu pemangkasan pada pembibitan, pemangkasan tanaman yang belum menghasilkan dan pemangkasan tanaman yang sudah menghasilkan. Sedang dilihat dari tujuannya, pemangkasan dibedakan menjadi empat, yaitu pemangkasan bentuk, pemeliharaan, produksi dan peremajaan.Bagi sebagian pehobi, tanaman buah dalam pot bisa jadi lahan bisnis yang menarik. Dengan perawatan yang cermat, tanaman buah dalam pot mampu menyedot perhatian siapa saja.Tajuk tanaman yang tak terlalu tinggi dengan disusupi gerombol buah di ujung cabang, apalagi saat dicicipi buahnya, terasa manis dan segar, siapa yang tak kepincut. Jadi jangan heran bila ada tanaman buah dalam pot yang mampu mencapai seharga tiga juta rupiah. Wow! Jambu biji termasuk salah satu jenis tanaman buah yang mudah ditanam dan berbuah dengan teknik tanbulampot.


Friday, August 08, 2008

Interactions among Factors Regulating Phenological Development and Acclimation Rate Determine Low-temperature Tolerance in Wheat

Background and Aims Exposure to low temperatures (LT) produces innumerable changes in morphological, biochemical and physiological characteristics of plants, with the result that it has been difficult to separate cause and effect adjustments to LT. Phenotypic studies have shown that the LT-induced protective mechanisms in cereals are developmentally regulated and involve an acclimation process that can be stopped, reversed and restarted. The present study was initiated to separate the developmental factors determining duration from those responsible for rate of acclimation, to provide the opportunity for a more in depth analysis of the critical mechanisms that regulate LT tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum).
• Methods The non-hardy spring wheat cultivar ‘Manitou’ and the very cold-hardy winter wheat cultivar ‘Norstar’ were used to produce reciprocal near-isogenic lines (NILs) in which the vrn-A1 (winter) alleles of ‘Norstar’ were inserted into the non-hardy ‘Manitou’ genetic background and the Vrn-A1 (spring) alleles of ‘Manitou’ were inserted in the hardy ‘Norstar’ genetic background so that the effects of duration and rate of LT acclimation could be quantified.
• Key Results Comparison of the acclimation curves of the NILs and their parents grown at 2, 6 and 10 °C established that the full expression of LT-induced genetic systems was revealed only under genotypically dependent optimum combinations of time and temperature. Both duration and rate of acclimation were found to contribute significantly to the 13·8 °C difference in lowest survival temperature between ‘Norstar’ and ‘Manitou’.
• Conclusions Duration of LT acclimation was dependent upon the rate of phenological development, which, in turn, was determined by acclimation temperatures and vernalization requirements. Rate of acclimation was faster for genotypes with the ‘Norstar’ genetic background but the ability to sustain a high rate of acclimation was dependent upon the length of the vegetative stage. Complex time/temperature relationships and unexplained genetic interactions indicated that detailed functional genomic or phenomic analyses of natural allelic variation will be required to identify the critical genetic components of a highly integrated system, which is regulated by environmentally responsive, complex pathways.
Key words: Low-temperature tolerance, Vrn-A1, near-isogenic lines, developmental regulation, vernalization, cold acclimation, Triticum aestivum, wheat
D. B. FOWLER* and A. E. LIMIN, E-mail


The control of flowering in time and space

The transition to flowering is one of the most important developmental decisions made by plants. Classical studies have highlighted the importance of photoperiod in controlling flowering time. More recently, the identification of mutants specifically affected in the photoperiod pathway in the model system Arabidopsis thaliana has enabled the flowering time pathways to be placed in a molecular context. This review highlights recent advances in understanding how photoperiod signals (perceived in the leaves) act at the apex of the plant where the floral stimulus is perceived. The photoperiod pathway acts predominantly through the gene CONSTANS to activate the small signalling molecule FT. While FT transcription is induced in the leaves, it is essential that FT protein is present at the apex of the plant. FT at the apex interacts with the transcription factor FD to induce flowering. Key words: Arabidopsis, FD, florigen, flowering, FTKatja E. Jaeger, Alexander Graf and Philip A. Wigge.E-mail:


The Yellow Rose of... Wheatfield

Yellow roses give you a warmth you do not get from any other color. I look forward to them the same way I long for the first daffodils every spring. Living in the north, it's a sign that the cold of winter is gone... at least for a while. It's that warm spot on the carpet when the first ray of sun comes through the window in the morning. You know. The one the cat always sits on. In this article in my 'Roses of Color'[1] series, I'm back to what I have in my garden... both those that I planted last year when the garden was new and those that I have ordered for this year. I would like to share the reasons for my choices. Of course, they may not work for your climate as well as I hope they will in my zone 6a garden. But it will give you an idea of the process I go through to choose my roses. By Jan Recchio (grampapa)July 12, 2008


But why are the palm and cycad societies almost ALL men?

Here are a few of my uneducated theories: To me the draw for women seems to be the flowers. Men are completely content growing plants which either never flower, or the flowers are insignificant or uninteresting. Women are attracted to color- particularly bright colors, while men seem to like mostly greens and blues (more masculine colors?). Women like little plants while men like big ones. Women like potted plants while men seem to be more apt to grow plants in the ground (now THAT is a total generalization... and I am not even sure if it's at all accurate- plenty of women have huge in-ground rose gardens and other flower gardens). Women like delicate, soft plants, while men like the thicker, spinier and bulkier items. Women are much more content with annuals and don't seem to mind starting over every year (seem to even like it that way)... while men seem to prefer plants that live for centuries. On the other hand, women tend to like to grow plants that are more likely to survive and look good, while men seem less upset when things don't go well, or their plants are the type that look dead half the time. And women seem to spend far less on plants than men do. Copyright © 2000-2008 Dave's


Flower primordium formation at the Arabidopsis shoot apex: quantitative analysis of surface geometry and growth

Geometry changes, especially surface expansion, accompanying flower primordium formation are investigated at the reproductive shoot apex of Arabidopsis with the aid of a non-invasive replica method and a 3-D reconstruction algorithm. The observed changes are characteristic enough to differentiate the early development of flower primordium in Arabidopsis into distinct stages. Primordium formation starts from the fast and anisotropic growth at the periphery of the shoot apical meristem, with the maximum extension in the meridional direction. Surprisingly, the primordium first becomes a shallow crease, and it is only later that this shape changes into a bulge. The bulge is formed from the shallow crease due to slower and less anisotropic growth than at the onset of primordium formation. It is proposed that the shallow crease is the first axil, i.e. the axil of a putative rudimentary bract subtending the flower primordium proper, while the flower primordium proper is the bulge formed at the bottom of this axil. At the adaxial side of the bulge, the second axil (a narrow and deep crease) is formed setting the boundary between the flower primordium proper and the shoot apical meristem. Surface growth, leading to the formation of the second axil, is slow and anisotropic. This is similar to the previously described growth pattern at the boundary of the leaf primordium in Anagallis. Key words: Arabidopsis, flower primordium, reproductive shoot apex, surface curvature, surface growth Dorota Kwiatkowska. E-mail:


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kaki Pot Memperindah Penampilan Tanaman

POT tanaman hias dan bunga akan tampak indah penampilannya apabila diberi kaki. Pot bunga dan tanaman hias yang berkaki ini akan menambah dekorasi sebuah ruangan tamu atau teras rumah. UNTUK memasang kaki pot, diperlukan kemampuan tersendiri untuk memilih kaki pot agar selaras dengan pot berisi tanaman hias dan bunga mawar atau anggrek yang akan diberi kaki. Pot berkaki akan tampak lebih indah penampilannya. Hal itu, misalnya, dilakukan Ny Marlina (50). Warga yang tinggal di sebuah perumahan di Kelurahan Cipaku, Bogor Selatan, Kota Bogor, itu menata ruang tamunya dengan menempatkan pot tanaman hias dengan kaki pot jangkung (ukuran 80 cm) di sudut ruang kosong. Pot tanaman hias berkaki jangkung itu menambah sudut ruangan sekitar menjadi enak dipandang. Selanjutnya, sebuah pot kecil berisi tanaman hias diletakkan pada kaki pot yang berbentuk sepeda ukuran kecil di atas meja. Kaki pot berbentuk sepeda dengan menopang pot kecil berisi tanaman hias ini menjadi hiasan meja. Kemudian, pot berisi tanaman suplir dan tanaman lainnya juga diberi kaki pot, diletakkan di teras rumah di bawah jendela. Selain memperindah penampilan pot, kaki pot juga berfungsi mengikat pot agar lebih kokoh. Pemasangan kaki pada pot ini juga dimaksudkan agar air yang merembes dari bawah pot seusai disiram tidak membasahi lantai. Sebab, di bagian bawah kaki pot ini dibuatkan tempat tatakan piring cekung untuk menampung rembesan air. “Selain itu, tak membutuhkan tenaga untuk memindahkan pot tanaman karena tak usah diangkat, cukup digeser saja, kalau ingin membersihkan,” kata Ny Marlina. Ny Marlina membeli kaki pot dari temannya, Ny Sianiwati, perajin pemula bidang kaki pot dengan harga relatif murah. Dari ukuran kecil seharga Rp 10.000 per buah, menengah Rp 25.000 per buah, sampai Rp 50.000 per buah untuk kaki pot jangkung ukuran 100 cm. KAKI pot buatan Ny Sianiwati, yang juga tinggal di daerah Cipaku, dibuat dengan bahan kawat sampai besi beton berukuran 10 milimeter. Aneka bentuk kaki pot dibuat sesuai selera konsumen. Kaki pot tersebut dilapisi bubuk plastik dengan warna hitam sehingga tahan karat. Kaki pot berwarna hitam yang banyak diproduksi sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen. Aneka macam kaki pot banyak dijual penjual tanaman hias di Jakarta, Bogor, dan daerah lainnya. Harganya tergantung dari ukurannya dan kualitas produknya. Pot berkaki dapat ditempatkan di mana saja, kapan saja anda suka, untuk memperindah ruangan atau teras rumah. Meski demikian, diperlukan kejelian menata ruangan dengan pot tanaman hias yang berkaki. Pilih jenis tanaman hias dan pilih kaki pot yang sesuai. Untuk tanaman hias, belilah sebatas kemampuan untuk menghias ruangan taman atau teras. Tak perlu membeli tanaman hias yang mahal harganya. Sebab, tanaman hias yang murah harganya tetap memukau. Ia tak kalah menarik dan menawan dengan yang mahal harganya bila ditata dengan apik. Meski demikian, jangan asal memasang kaki pot. Sebab, kalau sembarangan memasang kaki pot, kenyamanan dan keindahannya tak akan bisa dinikmati. Sumber : Kompas


Anemone, the Windflower: Part 2 - the Fibrous-rooted Species

In part 2 of this 3 part series I will discuss the attributes of a few of the fibrous-rooted anemone species. As mentioned earlier, there are about 120 species of Anemone which fall into three groups; the tuberous-rooted, fibrous-rooted and tall, fall-flowering. By far the largest group are those with fibrous roots or at most, thin rhizomes. These grow in a wide range of habitats from semi-deserts, grasslands, woodland, subalpine, high alpine and even the high Arctic, throughout the world. The tuberous-rooted, on the other hand, are mostly European (refer to part 1 ) while the fall-flowering hail from China and Japan. Let's start close to home with some American species. One of the most widespread is A. canadensis (zone 3), a widespread woodlander to grassland species which can reach 30-60 cm. This species has loose clusters of 3-5 cm white flowers in early summer. Plants spread rapidly so may be a bit of a bully in a perennial border. Probably better to grow this one in the wildflower garden. Confined to the east-central is the foliar look-alike species A. virginiana (zone 4), however, its flowers are not nearly as attractive, being rather small and dirty-white. By Todd Boland (Todd_Boland)July 12, 2008


Comparison of environmental and mutational variation in flowering time in Arabidopsis

Developmental dynamics can be influenced by external and endogenous factors in a more or less analogous manner. To compare the phenotypic effects of (i) environmental [i.e. standard (stPhP) and extended (exPhP) photoperiods] changes in Arabidopsis wild types and (ii) endogenous genetic variation in eav1–eav61 early flowering mutants, two temporal indicators were analysed, the time to bolting (DtB) and the number of leaves (TLN). It was found that DtB and TLN are differentially affected in different environmental and genetic contexts, and some factors of dynamic convergence were identified. The quantitative response to photoperiod is markedly contingent on the phototrophic input for DtB, but less so for TLN. To discriminate the light quantity and period components in DtB, two novel temporal indicators were determined, LtB (photosynthetic time to bolting) and PChron (DtB h–1 of photoperiod), respectively. The use of PChron results in a coincidence of the variation profiles across stPhP and exPhP, interpreted as a buffering of the trophic response. Unlike natural accessions and later flowering mutants, the variation profiles across stPhP and eav mutants are significantly divergent, pointing to differences in environmental and genetic variation in flowering time. Yet, phenocopy effects and dynamic convergence between wild-type and mutant profiles are detected by using exPhP and the LtB indicator. Additional analyses of the cauline leaf number (CLN) show that the apical and basal boundaries of the primary inflorescence vary co-ordinately. The finding that the correlativity between CLN and TLN changes across photoperiods suggests that different states of intra-connectedness are involved in ontogenetic specification of flowering time and embodied in the primary inflorescence. Key words: Arabidopsis, bolting, correlativity, developmental dynamics, flowering time, early flowering mutant, phase change, phenocopy, phenotypic plasticity, photoperiodic response. Sylvie Pouteau*, Valérie Ferret and Delphine Lefebvre E-mail:


Mars must have palms and Venus is a flower garden

I have been a member of multiple plant societies over the years and one of the most fascinating things I have often pondered are the gender demographics of some of these societies. As a child I had always assumed plants (flowers) were a woman's department. I hardly ever saw men working in the garden- they were at ‘work', while the women stayed home and worked in the garden. I personally had no interest in plants until much later in life, and perhaps my early observations had something to do with that. My first exposure to a plant society was with the African Violet ‘club' my wife considered joining at one time- turned out to be as I had always expected, mostly women, though a few men were involved (I assumed they were spouses dragged into the club kicking and screaming, just as I was prepared to do should my wife try to get me to join). By Geoff Stein (palmbob), July 13, 2008


Thursday, July 10, 2008

The effect of soybean stunt virus infecfion levels on the yield of soy bean

Field experiment to study the effect of soybean stunt virus (SSV) infection levels on the yield of soybean cv. Tidar was conducted at Kuningan experiment station of Sukamandi research institute for Food Crops in the 1991 dry season. Under natural infection levels ranging from 0-3 scale. The result revealed that SSV level of infection affects dry weight, number of pod and yield of soybean. The reduction of losses caused by SSV for infection levels 1, 2 and 3 were 41%, 50% and 71% respectively as compared with healthy plants. D. Kuswardhana, Y Suryadi and D. Kusdiaman; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sukamandi


Role of mineral nutrition in stem cutting upon initial growth of cassava

Cassava is generally estabilished using hardwood stem cutting. Cutting quality was influenced by the age of plant, number of buds per cutting, length and part of the stem. Growth during the initial phase of regeneration used food reserves in the plant. The experiment was done in glass house at Surabaya on November 1986. Treatments were arranged in factorial randomized block design with four replications. The result showed that there no interaction between length of stem and planting medium affacted significantly initial groeth of stem rather than sand even after 14 until 21 days growth. It was shown that nutrient elements absorbsed from the soil by the roots. The cutting length of 25 cm increased initial growth of stem significantly rather than did in 15 cm cutting, but was not significantly differnt with cutting length 35 cm. Zainal Arifin; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sumandi.


Performance of rice hybrids deriver from some cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines.

Experiments to evaluate the performance of some rice hybrids derived from some sytoplasmic male sterile lines were conducted in Sukamandi experiment station in the dry-season 1990, wet-sea-son 1990/1991, and wet-season 1992/93 using Randomized Complete Block Design. The results indicated that in the dry-season 1990, five hybrids: Tondano A/IR29512, Tondano A/IR25912, Tondano A/Sadang, Tondano A.Cimanuk and Tondano A/M66b yiulded 6.38; 6,33; 6.26; 6.19 t/ha, respectively, higher than IR64 (6.05 t/ha), with standard heterosis ranged from 2.3 to 5.5 percent. In the wet-season 1990/1991 all of hybrids tested yielded lower than IR64 (6.45 t/ha). Meanwhile, in the wetseason 1992/93, all of hybrids tested yielded higher than IR64 (2.46 t/ha). Bambang Sutaryo and Bambang Suprihatno; Spat Peneliti pada Balittan Sukamandi


The study of albino plant formation on rice anther culture

The study of albino plant formation on rice anther culture is based on the experiences and research conducted by some scientists on rice anther culture in the world. Albino plant is a plant without chlorophyll and, therefore, has no ability to perform photosynthetic process. The plants are usually formed in the tissue culture especially in rice anther culture experiments. The albino plant formation is not desirable due to the fact that it will decrease is not desirable due to the fact that it will decrease the experiments indicated that there is not enough evidence to prove that genotype has a direct effect on the formation of albino plant. Physiological factors are more likely to affect albino plant formation rather than genetical factors. More research is needed to elucidate the problem of albino plant in tissue culture especially rice anther culture. Mohammad Fatchurochim Masyhudi


Panen Padi Mira 1 Lebih Menjanjikan

KUDUS - Bibit padi jenis Mira 1 menjanjikan harapan baru, bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan. Setidaknya hal itu terlihat dari hasil panen raya padi uji coba bibit jenis Mira 1 Fakultas Pertanian (FP) Universitas Muria Kudus (UMK) di Desa Lambangan, Kecamatan Undaan, Kamis (26/6). Jenis bibit Mira 1 adalah salah satu varietas bibit yang dikembangkan oleh Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN). ”Varietas lain yang dikembangkan di desa Lambangan yaitu, jenis Juwono, Dewa Ruci, dan C Herang,” kata Dekan Fakultas Pertanian UMK, Hendy Hendro HS, M.Si. Dari hasil uji coba penanaman padi hasil kerjasama dengan Himpunan Keurukunan Tani (HKTI) Kabupaten Kudus tersebut dalam 1 hektar sawah bibit Mira 1 dapat menghasilkan panen kurang lebih 10 ton. ”Bahkan ada yang mencapai 11,5 ton,” kata Wariyo, Ketua HKTI cabang Kudus. Menurut Wariyo, padi Mira 1 ini sangat cocok ditanam di daerah Undaan. Secara kualitas, varietas padi Mira 1 ini memiliki rasa pulen dan berjenis umbuk. Jika dibandingkan dengan padi jenis Ceherang, IR 64, Mira 1 lebih potensial. Jenis ini menghasilkan panen yang lebih besar jika dibanding dengan hasil budidaya varietas lain yang selama ini ditanam petani di Kecamatan Undaan. ” Dengan varietas lain, hanya menghasilkan gabah sekitar 7-8 ton per hektare, atau terdapat selisih 2-3 ton hasil panen per hektare, ” jelas Wariyo, yang juga ketua kelompok tani dari Desa Kalirejo. Panen raya padi jenis Mira 1 kemarin ditandai dengan pemotongan perdana oleh Rektor UMK, Prof. Dr. dr. Sarjadi, Sp.PA. (H50-64) Sumber: Suara Merdeka


The equilibrium moisture content of three soybean varieties (Glycine max L.) at the various relative humidity

The aim of this experiment was to study the storage stability of soybean through the study of its equilibrium moisture content at various relative humidity. The soybean varieties used were Lokon, Guntur and Lokal Brebes. The equilibrium moisture content conditions were settled by adsorption static method under room temperature of five levels of water activity (Aw). The experiment was conducted using complere randomized design. The c and n contants were calculated by using Henderson equation. Results of the experiment indicated that there were no difference in equilibrium moisture content as well as c and n constants value among the three soybean varieties. In conclusion the three soybean varieties would have had the same storage stability; therefore they need the same storage sondition to reach optimum storage stability. Soejadi; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sukamandi


Monday, June 23, 2008

Pests of Patchouli Plant and Their Damage

Generally, patchouli is still cultivated traditionally in Indonesia. Improved technology such as pest and disease control methods, is needed. Observation of pests on patchuoli was carried out at Sukamulya experimental garden from Agustus 2004 to January 2005. Further research was carried out at the laboratory and greenhouse of the Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute to examine the damage of the patchouli plant due to the main insect attack. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The experiment used one month-old patchouly seedlings of Sidikalang variety and the main insect (third instar grub) The white grub was invested on pathouli seedling. Each plant was invested with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, grubs as treatments. The results showed that grasshopper (Valanga sp), aphids (Myzus persicae), termite (Coptotermes sp), snail (Achatina sp) and white grub (Exopholis hypoleuca) attack the patchouly plant with low up to high damages. It was observed that the grub is a dominant pest which attacked 1.800 out of 15.000 patchouli plants at Sukamulya experimental garden. Treatments grubs on patchouli seedlings at one, two, three, four and five grubs/polybag caused death on the seedlings at 14, 13, 10, 7 and 7 days after investation, repectively. While Key words : insects monitoring, grup investigated, death periode of Pogostemon cablin. Michellia Darwis; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat


Formulation of Granule Effervescent from Ginger Extract

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb., Zingiberaceae) has been widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. However, ginger product as beverages in the form of effervescent granule has not been known yet. Far that reason an experiment was conducted to find the formula for ginger effervescent granule. In this experiment, 12 formulas had been tried using treatments as follow : (a) Type of extract (water extract 4% and 6% and alcohol extract 0.4% and 0.6%), (b) Addition of citric acid (2%, 3% and 4%). The observations was conducted on : (1) Physical propertis of granule (moisture content, and dissolution rate), (2) Organoleptic test which include of preference to the colour, taste and aroma. The physical propertis analysis showed that granule made from alcohol extract met the quality requirement while the granule made from water extract did not meet the requirement, due to its moisture content i.e 0.63-0.74% which was higher than requirement (0.1-0.5%).The organoleptic test to 20 panelists showed that the accepted formula was formula number 10 which had colour, aroma and taste score of 3.35, 3.50 and 3.05 respectively, This formula made from 0.6% alcohol extract and 2% citric acid. Key words : Formulation, granule, effervescent, extract and ginger. Sri Yuliani, Nunik Purwanti dan Teti Indrawati; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat


Plant breeding and genetics newsletter. No. 19, July 2007

This issue of the newsletter announces the International Symposium on Induced Mutation in Plants (SIMP) which is being planned to take place at International Atomic Energy Agency , Vienna, Austria, 11-15 August 2008, to celebrate 80 years of mutation induction enhanced breeding and the renaissance of mutation induction. Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, Vienna (Austria)


Effect of Benzyl Adenin (BA) and NAA As Growth Regulatur On The Growth Of Temoe Lawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.) Through In Vitro

Micropropagation of temoe lawak in vitro has been conducted in Tissue Culture Laboratory Germplasm and Breeding Division at Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops,Bogor from October 1999 to July 2000. Shoots of temoe lawak from Sukamulya Research Instalation were used as explants. Shoots were sterilized with sterilant such as 70 % alcohol , 0.2 % mercuri clorite , 20 % Clorox and then cleaned with aqudes before they are cultured. Murashige and Skoog (MS) which was added with vitamine from B group were used as basic medium. Several concentration of benzyl adenin i.e : 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 mg/l singly and combination with NAA 0.5 mg/l were used as treatments. The treatment were arranged in Randomized Completely Design with three replications. Each replication consited of five bottles. The parameters observed were average the number and lengths of shoot , number of leaves and roots and the culture performance visually. The result showed that the greatest number of shoot and leaves were found by using 1.5 mg/ l BA during 8 weeks. The greatest roots were found on 1.0 mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l NAA . BA used singly or combined with NAA could be used on micropropagation of temoe lawak in vitro. Key words : Curcuma xanthorhiza, BA, NAA, in vitro. Sitti Fatimah Syahid dan Endang Hadipoentyanti; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat.


Thursday, May 29, 2008


The experiment was conducted in order to determine the appropriate irradiation dose forextending the storage life of fresh banana. The experimentalbananas (cavendishvariety)were obtained from the farmersin Ciseeng, Bogor. The middle bunch of banana was choosen for irradiationwith the dose of 0, 0.25, and 0.5 kGy andstored under temperature 20°C and relative humidity 85 - 90%.Toevaluatethe qualityof banana,severalparameterswere examined namely, total sugar content, ascorbic acid content, texture and visual test. The results of this experimentrevealed that total sugar content obtained during storage can be used as an index to evaluate the ripeness of banana.Based on the physico-chemicalanalyses and visual test, it can be concluded that the dose of 0.25 kGy is quite effectiveto extend the storage life of banana from 20 days up to 35 days. Rosalina S.H., Rindy P.r., dan Darmawi; Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, BATAN



Bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas so anacearum is aserious problem on tomato plant. Plant which are infected by a virulent microbe could resist infection of the pathogen.Irradiating microbe by gamma rays is expected to weaken the pathogen, so it could be used for protecting the plant frompathogen infection. The result of this experiment showed thatP. so/anacearum irradiated by gamma rays at doses of 0.4until 0,8 kGy could protect infection of virulent P. so/anacearum, but the ones irradiated 1.0 until 8.0 kGy could not. I. Djamika clan E. Suwadji; Sub Bslithorti Segunung, Pusst Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, BATAN



Tantangan yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia menjelangabad ke-21 khususnya tahun 2020 adalah penambahanpenduduk menjadi 288 juta jiwa, 50 % penduduk tersebut berdomisilidi kota, peningkatan kebutuhan pangan berasmenjadi 30,8 juta tonltahun, pengalihan fungsi lahan subur pertanian beralih ke lahan sub marginal, peraturan aturanWTO (iso, Patent), persepsi masyarakat yang negatif terhadap basil rekayasa genetik, permasalahan biosafety,foodsafety daDlingkungan.Peluang bioteknologinasional pun cutup besar. Peluang itu hempa peningkatan pendapatanpenduduk Indonesia (US $3500 per kapita per tahun pads tahun 2018), peningkatan pasar sub regional (AFTA),regional (APEC) dan global, peningkatan kemajuan IPTEK, dan kerjasama luar negeri. Visi bioteknologi tahun 2020adalah mendukung pertanian modem, tangguh, berkelanjutan, raffish lingkungan yang berbasiskan IPTEK daDagribisnis. Sumbangan bioteknologi adalah memproduksi propagul unggul bermutu dan merakit kultivarlldon tanamanunggul yang relevan terhadap pembangunan pertanian tersebut Rekayasa gen apometik untuk memantapkan sifatsiCatmerupakansuatu revolusi pertanian abad ke-21 nanti. Revolusi apometik stan menguntungkan bagi petani danpelaku pertanian di negara berkembang. G.A. Wattimena; Laboratorium Bioteknologi, ]urusan Budidaya Pertanian,Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor.



The constrainof conventional propagation of rambutan is mainly caused by variability of the stocks from seedlings. The use ofinterstock was studied in order to observe compatibility between stock and scion, and also between stock, interstock andscion. The experiment was arranged in a Factorial Randomized Block Design consisted of two factors. The first factorwas interstock cv. Sitangkue (with and without interstock). The second factor was scion varieties (Binjai, Rapiah, LebakBulus, and Simacan). The variety of stock used was Sinyonya. Compatibility was detected by tracing translocation of 32pfrom growth medium to stock, interstock and scion. This work indicated that compatibility between stock cv. Sinyonyaand scion cv. Simacan either with or without interstock cv. Sitangkue was better than those with scion cvs. Binjai, Lebakbulus, and Rapiah. Activity of 32pon stocks, scion twigs and leaves using interstock was lower compared with those without interstock. Ismiyati Sutarto, M. Winarno, dan Soertini Gandanegara; Balai Penelitian Hortikultura Solok, Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, BATAN



Soybean seeds with good storageability are desirable as long as the storage method used is still conventional. The genetic of seed storage ability wasstudied from some mutant lines of soybean.The enforced ageing method with95% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) was treated tothe seeds. The seed viability was influenced not only by the treatments but also by seed size. Small seeds tended topossess high viabilityand its deteriorationwas slower than bigger seeds. The environmentalfactors were more dominantIn controlling the storage ability than the' genetic ones. Heritabilities for seed viability were found to be 5.84% forgerminating ability and 7.20% for growth ability. Mutation breeding for improved seed storage ability seems to bedifficult to conduct. Soeranto and Ishak; Pusat Apliksai Isotop dan Radiasi, BATAN


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some characteristics of cross-linked hydroxypropyl sago starch

Sago starch was laboratory hydroxypropylated using 1% propylene oxide in alkaline condition, then cross-linked using 0.000-0.025% phosphorus oxychloride. The dual modified starches with level of cross-linking ranging from 0.0000 to 0.0186 were characterized for amylographic properties, swelling power, paste turbidity and in vitro digestibility using porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase. The cross-linking procedure applied to dual modification nearly unchanged the pasting temperature, i.e. at 62.5drajatC. Cross-linked, hydroxypropyl starches with DS more than 0.0150 had similar amylographic properties which showed high heat and shear stability of the paste. Cross-linking resulted in decrease in the swelling power and the in vitro digestibility of the starch. Hydroxypropylation prior to subsequent modification facilitate the cross-linking with a consequence of lower pasting temperature, higher maximum viscosity, higher swelling power and lower digestibility. Haryadi and Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto; Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM


Bugs, Diseases and Problems

Extreme failure of the plants is pretty rare. Usually too much or not enough water, a shortage of fresh air or a cold room are the cause. Smaller problems can be bugs or nutrient dosage.
BugsIf you spot animals in your plants, kill them off with regular bug spray. Go to your local garden store and find a cure for the particular bug that can be used on fruit bearing plants. When you get bugs in the last few weeks of the flowering period, remember you will probably be smoking the stuff later on. You might even choose to just let the bugs be. After the harvest, clean out your room thoroughly. An alternative is using natural enemies of the bugs. See a specialist for this.
Nutrient problemsWhen during the early stages of growing the leafs of the plants turn weak and yellow or start showing yellow spots, try adjusting the dosage of nutrients. You might be seeing a shortage of nutrients, so adding some more to the water might do the trick. Don't overdo it!
When the plants have curled up leaves and look like they have been burnt, you might have given too much nutrients. Stop giving the nutrients for a while, but give some extra water to flush out the excess nutrients.
Remember that soil that has been used multiple times could need some extra nutrients and fresh soil probably needs less.
Rotting budsWhen you spot some rotting in your buds, you know the air is too moist and probably too cold. Try adjusting the airflow of the desk fan to reach the buds. Cut out the bad pieces of the rotting. If you don't, it will spread like a bonfire. Leaving dead leafs in the buds will increase the risk of rotting.



Our trained technicians will visit regularly as required - weekly or fortnightly for indoor plant hire, and monthly or quarterly for landscape maintenance. Plants are dusted, trimmed, watered, fertilised and replaced as necessary, to make sure they always look their natural best. Indoor pots and outdoor garden beds are also cleaned and maintained to their optimum appearance. Green & Growing prides itself on a continuing and comprehensive service which is unrivalled in the industry. (green&growing)


Tips for Making Your Time in the Garden More Enjoyable; 5 Ways to Make Gardening Easier

Some of these tips are common sense and some may seem like more work in the short term, but they all really will make gardening easier for you. And that way you'll have time to create even more gardens!
1. Feed the Soil You've heard it a thousand times, but do you do it? Start with great soil and you'll wind up with great plants. Healthy plants get less diseases, attract less insect pests and require less water. Plus you won't have to remember to fertilizer every other week.
Start with a good analysis of your existing soil. You can have all the essential nutrients tested or just the pH. Many nurseries provide this service as well as your local Cooperative Extension Service. If your soil is deficient in any minerals or nutrients, amend the soil according to recommendations. Then keep adding organic matter, like compost, regularly.
Slow release, organic fertilizers can help supplement deficient nutrients. But feeding plants with synthetic fertilizers can actually destroy the beneficial organisms and organic matter within soil and only provide a short fix. It's like turning your garden into a drug addict. It will need regular doses of fertilizer and more and more to get the same effect.
2. Group Plants by Their Needs I'm sure you've heard the saying "Right plant for the right spot." That's the beginning of the equation. Of course you're going to want to put sun lovers in the sun and ground covers where they can roam. But consider how efficient it would be if you put all your water hogs together so you could just turn on the sprinklers or drag the hose to one area and be done. The same goes for plants that require a lot of deadheading or vegetables that need to be harvested daily or hourly, like zucchini. You can still mix in different bloom times and variations in color, form and texture. It's just the heavy maintenance chores that should be consolidated.
3. Choose Lower Maintenance Perennials There will always be primadona plants you have to have (although probably less and less of them as you get older), but make the backbone of your garden perennial flowers that can take care of themselves. Plants like Astilbes and Sedums, that look good all season and don't need deadheading, pinching or staking. Here are even more low maintenance perennials.
4. Raised Beds & Containers It's much easier to control your garden if it has definite boundaries. Containers provide the ultimate in control. You control the soil, water, exposure and even limit the growth of the plants in the container. Raised beds separate the garden beds from their surroundings. Ideally, lift the beds up by 6 inches or more. You'll have the benefits of controlling your borders and you'll be saving your back from some bending.
5. Install Drip Irrigation This is one of those suggestions that sounds like it's going to cost a fortune and require a professional to install - and it can. But it doesn't have to. They've reduced drip irrigation to a tinker toy level. Believe me, if I can grasp it, so can you. There is an initial cost, although no where near what you might fear, and you will need to do some measuring. But unless you rely solely on rain to water your gardens, you will actually save money in the long run. Drip irrigation is far more efficient than any other type of watering. Plus it puts all the water right where your plants need it. Add an inexpensive timer and think of all the time you've saved yourself. Check out this FAQ on Irrigation Systems and Water Conservation over at About Landscaping


A new home: getting them in place

Fill all the big 7 litre pots with the soil you got. Leave some three fingers room from the top. We have to add water later. Now get the small plants and carefully take them out of the smaller pots. Make sure not to break any leafs or roots as you do so. Make a hole in the soil of the new pot about the size of the small pot, chuck a gulp of water into the hole and put in the plant. Now press the soil around the plant gently but firmly. Make sure all the roots are covered. When the plants are firmly placed in the new pots, add about half a litre of water to all. Now lift the pots and remember their weight. You could even use a kitchen scale and write it down. All pots should be about the same weight and during the whole growing and flowering stage they should remain about the same. You can now place them in their final location under your large lamp. Keep the light on a 18h of light and 6h of darkness cycle and start the desk fan and ventilation system to simulate the wind. Check on your plants every day, keep the soil moist and check all systems for failures. Check to see the leafs move a bit because of the desk fan.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Plant your azalea....

Plant your azalea in early spring or early fall. If your soil is loose, well drained, and has lots of organic matter, planting will be easy. If drainage is poor, youll need to correct the drainage problem or plant in raised beds. You can work in some well-rotted leaf mold or compost if the soil is short of organic matter. Don't worry about preparing the soil deeply since azalea roots are shallow and most are found in the top foot of soil. Instead, loosen the soil in a broad area around the planting site. If a soil test reveals that your soil is strongly alkaline, work in enough iron sulfate or ammonium sulfate to drop the pH to 4.5 to 5.5; your state's soil testing lab can give you guidance on how much of these materials are needed to acidify your soil. Water the pot thoroughly before planting and tease the soil away from the roots on the outside of the pot. Don't worry about injuring the roots it's more important to remove a significant amount of the potting soil than it is to keep every root intact. Plant the azalea slightly higher than the surrounding soil since it will probably settle after planting. Finally, water the whole area thoroughly and apply a thin layer of shredded leaves, pine needles, or pine bark to keep the soil cool and moist. Water your newly planted azalea weekly if the weather is dry, at least for the first year. Why isn't my azalea blooming?picture of the walled Morrison Garden Too much nitrogen in early summer may encourage vegetative growth at the expense of flower bud formation, so limit fertilizer applications to the fall or spring or skip the fertilizer all together. Although azaleas are well adapted to partial shade, deep shade produces spindly, weak growth and few flower buds. Azaleas usually won't flower well if planted under trees with dense foliage, such as maples, beeches, and pines. Plant in the diffused light under widely spaced, high-crowned trees like oaks and tulip poplars. Deer and rabbits may eat many of the flower buds as they browse in the winter, particularly if the weather is harsh and other food is scarce. Flower buds can also be damaged by cold, dry winds, particularly when warm winter weather is followed by a period of bitter cold.


Urine Manusia dapat digunakan untuk pupuk

Urine ternak digunakan sebagai pupuk organik sejak zaman Yunani kuno. Kini Pradhan Helvi Heinonen-Tanski dan beberapa mahasiswa peneliti dari University of Kuopio, Finlandia menggunakan urine manusia yang dianggap murah, tersedia melimpah dan efektif para ilmuwan memastikan urine dari individu yang sehat: setril, bebas bakteri atau virus, serta secara alami kaya nitrogen dan nutrisi lainnya. Mereka mengumpulkan urine manusia dari perumahan dan menggunakannya sebagai pupuk tanaman kubis. hasilnya pertumbuhan dan bobot kubis lebih tinggi dibanding yang menggunakan pupuk sintetis. Tidak ada perbedaan kandungan gizi pada kubis. Urine manusia tidak mengubah rasa maupun mengancam kehegienisannya .


Bagaimana mempertahankan bisnis yang berdasarkan tren?

Ini fenomena pop marketing. Kalau fenomena pemasaran yang biasa, suatu produk melalui siklus produk yang panjang. Pada pop marketing, dalam siklusnya terdapat gejolak-gejolak. Trennya sangat pendek, kira-kira 2-3 tahunan. Suatu produk yang terlalu dipacu agar cepat melejit di pasaran, akan cepat hilang pula. Untuk mempertahankan cukup sulit. Yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengambil keuntungan sesaat. Selalu membeli pada saat harga akan naik. Begitu menjadi berita besar lepas semua produknya dan kemudian beralih ke komoditas lain. Ikuti saja tren. Jika ingin aman, main di produk yang abadi. yang abadi itu harganya murah, konstan, tetapi yang beli ada terus. silahkan dicoba kiat ini. semoga sukses.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Anthuriums are relatively easy to grow, have attractive foliage and under the proper environment, produce long lasting flowers year round. Commercially, pot type Anthuriums are grown throughout the world with the heaviest concentrations in the US (Florida) and the Netherlands. They are durable and will survive as an indoor foliage plant for a remarkable period of time, even under adverse conditions. Anthuriums grow best with day temperatures of 78 to 90 F, and night temperatures of 70 to 75 F. Temperatures above 90 F may cause foliar burning, faded flower color, and reduced flower life. Night temperatures between 40 to 50 F can result in slow growth and yellowing of lower leaves. Anthuriums will not tolerate frost or freezing conditions. POTTING Anthuriums prefer a growing media that is coarse and well drained. The potting media should be of a peat moss base with a 1:1:1 ratio of peat moss, pine bark and perlite. Plants when they are youong should be planted in a mix that is not quite so coarse, to retain moisture. The soil should be settled firmly around the roots and the root system should fill the pot before the plant is stepped up to a larger pot size. WATERING While Anthuriums are able to handle dryness around the root ball, they need to be watered thoroughly and allowed to dry slightly before watering again. Allowing the plant to dry out will greatly slow down the growth cycle. Drying out can also cause the tip to burn and root damage, while over watering can also cause root damage and sudden yellowing of leaves. LIGHT Anthuriums as a rule (indoors) will take about as much light as you can provide them with-but not direct sunlight. Lower levels of light will slow down or cease flower production. The foliage type species will tolerate lower light levels as they grow in some of the shasiest areas in their natural habitat. Leaves emerging under lower light may stretch and/or become distorted. FERTILIZER A quick word on nutrition. Most growers use a slow time release fertilizer on their plants. Fertilizing should not be an issue for quite a few months. If you are going to fertilize, use a light solution of a 3:1:2 ratio and it is probably best to dilute to 1/4 strength. PEST AND DISEASE Anthuriums are susceptible to the usual pests that visit out indoor plants, such as aphids, scales, mealybugs and thrips. Thrips and "mealy" are found more on new growth. You can also find aphids feeding on the flower buds. Scales seem to be particularly fond of the tough bird nest type. The best method of insect control is to monitor your plants and treat them before they get out of hand. There are some "insecticidal soaps" which work well on the soft insects, but scales may need a stronger insecticide. Under low humidity conditions spider mites may show up. One of the best ways to stay clear of the use of chemicals is with periodic wiping of the foliage and a gentle sparay of water. Make sure not to forget the undersides.


Premium Red Anthurium

Anthurium, from anthos, meaning flower, and oura, meaning tail, refers to the many tiny true flowers that form in the yellow tail-like spadix. These bright red heart shaped beauties are the most well known the world over


True Indoor Bonsai by Fuku Bonsai

We are proud to offer True Indoor Bonsai trees developed and grown by Fuku-Bonsai. Fuku-Bonsai is recognized in the world bonsai community for their exceptional quality, and uniquely Hawaiian bonsai style. The popular Dwarf Schefflera Arboricola Lava Rock Plantings are ideal starter stock for those wanting to grow indoor bonsai. It meets the two basic rules for selecting starter stock: 1) It is a proven house plant to grow indoors, while many traditional bonsai trees are �outdoor� plants, making them more difficult for the beginner. 2) Each plant is trained for 2-4 years before rock planting, so it already has some "character," with branches and established surface and/or aerial roots. The plant is also much more durable.


Pemupukan Anthurium? Organik atau Kimia?

Sedikitnya ada 11 email yang mengajukan pertanyaan senada, yang masing-masing intinya manakah yang lebih baik untuk Anthurium, organik atau kimia ? Secara sederhana jawabannya adalah kombinasi keduanya dengan dosis yang tepat, untuk merk dagang mana yang paling bagus rasanya kurang pas kalau saya posting disini, kesimpulannya pupuk kimia tidak ada masalah selama sesuai dosis pemakaian. Untuk pupuk organik lebih minim efek samping yang merugikan, hanya saja mungkin proses sterilisasi yang kurang maksimal, khususnya pupuk kandang. Kelebihan pupuk juga tidak berakibat buruk pada tanaman, beda dengan pupuk kimia yang pasti mengakibatkan efek samping apabila over dosis. Pupuk kimia yang banyak tersedia dalam berbagai bentuk antara lain cair, bubuk, butiran, dan stick/batangan harus diperhatikan cara pemakaian dan dosis yang tertera pada kemasan. Pupuk kimia sifatnya mempercepat, meningkatkan, menggenjot pertumbuhan akar, daun, atau pembentukan buah/biji, jadi perbedaannya dengan organik ibaratnya perbedaan anda minum jamu kuat atau menggunakan doping. Lebih aman yang mana ? pasti lebih aman pakai organik. Lebih baik yang mana ? relatif penggunaan dan dosis tentunya. Sederhananya begini, pupuk kimia merupakan hasil dari kemajuan teknonogi yang diciptakan setelah proses eksperimen dan penelitian para ahli yang tentu saja lebih baik daripada teknologi di belakangnya. Yang tentu saja kandungan unsur hara makro dan mikro dapat diketahui dengan jelas. Naik sepeda lebih aman dan tanpa polusi, tapi menggunakan mobil bisa lebih cepat sampai tujuan dan tidak kehujanan atau kepanasan. Yang harus diperhatikan, waktu ideal pemberian pupuk dengan penyemprotan adalah di pagi hari jam 06.00-09.00 atau sore hari jam 16.00-18.00, jangan melakukan penyemprotan ketika terik matahari atau tanaman baru terkena sinar matahari bisa menyebabkan daun terbakar, layu atau datangnya jamur. Penyemprotan bisa dilakukan 2 minggu sekali, untuk slow release bisa 3 bulan sekali dengan ditaburkan saja atau dibenamkan dalam media tanam. Semoga Anthurium anda selalu sehat dan indah dipandang…(Deni Lurniawan)


Trend Tanaman Hias 2008

Sampai saat ini belum ada survey yang menyebutkan penggemar tanaman hias apa yang lebih banyak. Sebelumnya adenium disebut sebagai tanaman hias yang mempunyai penggemar paling banyak, disusul aglaonema dan tanaman hias lain. Tetapi setelah kemunculan booming Anthurium, penggemar Anthurium juga menyebut komunitas Anthurium lah yang terbesar. Yang harus dicatat, meledaknya Anthurium belum ada dalam sejarah tanaman hias Indonesia ada jenis lain yang menyamainya. Tentu saja wajar jika persaingan trend tanaman hias sangat ketat, masing-masing komunitas berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk melambungkan jenis tanaman hias yang mereka kembangkan. Di tengah harga Anthurium yang mulai terkoreksi dan menata diri, berbagai macam event pameran, berita media cetak, elektronik mulai gencar menyemarakkan kembali dunia tanaman hias di Indonesia. Ada perkembangan yang cukup berarti dalam jual beli tanaman hias, yang jelas dipengaruhi meningkatnya daya beli dan siklus tahunan yang sudah saya bahas sebelumnya. Adenium mulai diperbincangkan, Aglaonema yang sempat di-tidur-kan Anthurium juga mulai gencar di beritakan media. Berikutnya jenis sansevieria yang diramal akan meramaikan pasar.Dan Anthurium yang sempat mengalami kelesuan pasar juga mulai menggeliat kembali. Di sini saya lebih membahas Anthurium karena saya juga pemain Anthurium, mendekati bulan Februari dan Maret penjualan Anthurium diberbagai event khususnya daerah Jawa mulai meningkat, meskipun masih belum bisa dibandingkan booming di taun 2007. Tapi setidaknya apa yang pernah saya bahas sebelumnya perlahan-lahan mulai mendekati kenyataan. Permintaan jenis Anthurium berwarna yang paling terlihat, sementara jenis jenmanii masih relatif mahal dijangkau hobiis pemula atau end user. Semakin banyaknya varian baru yang bermunculan juga menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Dan para hobiis banyak yang mengalihkan buruan ke jenis-jenis yang lebih murah dan terjangkau, khususnya jenis hokeri yang berwarna merah dan hitam, permintaan pasar mulai meningkat. Anthurium gelombang cinta yang kembali ke harga normal juga mulai meramaikan pasar. Untuk tingkat kolektor, jenis-jenis langka yang selalu diburu, antara lain Anthurium yang mengalami mutasi bentuk ataupun mutasi warna ( variegata ). Untuk jenmanii varian ular-ularan masih menempati kelas teratas disusul oleh jenis jenmanii Supernova yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi kontroversi mengenai manakah yang lebih asli dari beberapa indukan Supernova yang ada di Indonesia.. Sementara Anthurium berdaun oval juga mulai banyak di buru jenis mangkok, kol, pagoda dll permintaannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan jenmanii berdaun lancip atau memanjang. Kesimpulannya, jenis tanaman hias apa saja ( aglaonema, adenium, sanse dll ) akan mengalami peningkatan, jenis apakah yang akan berada dipuncak ? Mungkin bisa dilihat antara bulan Mei-Juni . Terlalu subyektif kalau saya mengatakan Anthurium tetap kokoh dipuncak, anda bisa mengatakan tulisan saya adalah politik dagang tapi bisa di bandingkan dengan berita beberapa media cetak yang cukup besar dan terpercaya dan berbagai survey di berbagai ajang pameran besar di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Deni Kurniawan
