
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How To Plant Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potato
(Sweet Potato (Ingg.), Ipomoea batatas (Latin)) Family: Convolvulaceae

Widely planted in South America before the Incan culture, introduced into Spain before the potato. In East Asia, Polynesia before the year 1250 AD spread to New Zealand 14th century, spread to China in 1594 AD

Parts consumedBulbs and young leaves 

Dikotil annual plants with creeping stems. Tuber skin color can be white, brown, red, purple somewhat red, or yellow colored bulbs can be white, yellow, orange or red. Day length increases stem growth, whereas short days stimulate enlargement and flowering bulbs.

Parts consumed:

     Tubers and shoots and young leaves

Nutrition Ingredients:

     Yellow yam is rich in carbohydrates and provitamin A. Leaves and young shoots of the high content of vitamins A and C and protein.


     The optimum temperature of 24 ° C. Plants stop growing at 15 ° C.


     Propagation from stem cuttings or shoots from tubers

     Fertilization of high K


     3-4 BST

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