
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Cultivation Cactus


Cactus is an American plant origin, especially in the area of ​​Mexico, Texas, Arizona (USA), Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil.Things that need to be prepared:- Equipment: Sharp knife, gloves, rubber bands, and garden sprayer-Material: 70% alcohol to sterilize the knife. Rootstock (understeam) in the pot, and the parent stem above (entres) that bore / shoot a lot, stem rot preventative fungicide solutionGROWING CONDITIONSTerms of growing cactus plants, among others: located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, air temperature ranged between 160-340C. For seed germination (seed), requires a temperature between 260-350C. Especially for the attachment of a hybrid cactus, can be grown in the mountainous 160-240C temperature. Can also live in lowland temperate heat, but causes the stem tends to dull the color. Air humidity (rH) ranged between 30% -90%. Low rainfall, 60 mm / month. The intensity of radiation 50-80%.Propagation of plantsCactus plants can be propagated by using two ways, among others:1. Duplication of generativeCactus can be propagated using seeds that have been selected first.2. Vegetative propagationVegetative propagation of cactus can be done in several ways, namely:a. Stem cuttings or branchesPropagation is intended to produce rootstock.b. PuppiesType of cactus that can be propagated in this way is a cactus-sized round and short.c. Grafting (Grafting, Enting)The principle of switching is to combine the two types of cactus to acquire a new crop of good quality and have a high selling price.The joining methods performed include:- Method of continued flat (Flat Grafting)- A gap or split connection method (Split Garafting)- Method of oblique connection (Side Grafting)BY cactus reproduce grafting· Prepare growing media and pot· Fill the pot with planting medium and place the potSelecting the parent rootstock (understeam)· Planting rootstockSelecting the parent stem above (entres)· Cutting the upper stem of the parent material· Attaching the upper stem in rootstockPLACE OF PLANTINGPlace used for the plant is potted. Pots are used, among others are made of: clay, plastic, cement, ceramics, glass and others.PLANTING MEDIAPlanting medium that can be used for cactus plants can be combined with the materials available
* Soil porous
* Organic fertilizer / compost cooked
* Coarse sand, sand times,
* Limestone powder
* Pieces of fern
* Wood charcoal powder(Eg, clean river sand, old humus, manure / compost is mature, with a ratio of 2: 1: ½).Alternative planting medium that can be used, among others:a. Dungb. Rice husksc. SandPLANTINGIntended to move the planting cactus cactus seedlings planted from seedlings or from small pots into large pots for maintenance purposes permanently.MAINTENANCEMaintenance of plants include:1. Placement of potted plants2. Sprinkling3. Fertilization4. Sanitation and repottingHAMAPests are often a frequent attack cactus plants are:1. Fleas scales (Pseudococcus s.)2. Fleas shell (Aspidiotus sp.)3. Fleas wool (Dactylopius tomentosus).Pests can be controlled by using insecticides with doses adjusted to the provisions of Agribusiness Good Practises (GAP)
. Oleh : ERIK ARIYANTO ( Erik_Kaktus Lembang -Bandung)

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