
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kaki Pot Memperindah Penampilan Tanaman

POT tanaman hias dan bunga akan tampak indah penampilannya apabila diberi kaki. Pot bunga dan tanaman hias yang berkaki ini akan menambah dekorasi sebuah ruangan tamu atau teras rumah. UNTUK memasang kaki pot, diperlukan kemampuan tersendiri untuk memilih kaki pot agar selaras dengan pot berisi tanaman hias dan bunga mawar atau anggrek yang akan diberi kaki. Pot berkaki akan tampak lebih indah penampilannya. Hal itu, misalnya, dilakukan Ny Marlina (50). Warga yang tinggal di sebuah perumahan di Kelurahan Cipaku, Bogor Selatan, Kota Bogor, itu menata ruang tamunya dengan menempatkan pot tanaman hias dengan kaki pot jangkung (ukuran 80 cm) di sudut ruang kosong. Pot tanaman hias berkaki jangkung itu menambah sudut ruangan sekitar menjadi enak dipandang. Selanjutnya, sebuah pot kecil berisi tanaman hias diletakkan pada kaki pot yang berbentuk sepeda ukuran kecil di atas meja. Kaki pot berbentuk sepeda dengan menopang pot kecil berisi tanaman hias ini menjadi hiasan meja. Kemudian, pot berisi tanaman suplir dan tanaman lainnya juga diberi kaki pot, diletakkan di teras rumah di bawah jendela. Selain memperindah penampilan pot, kaki pot juga berfungsi mengikat pot agar lebih kokoh. Pemasangan kaki pada pot ini juga dimaksudkan agar air yang merembes dari bawah pot seusai disiram tidak membasahi lantai. Sebab, di bagian bawah kaki pot ini dibuatkan tempat tatakan piring cekung untuk menampung rembesan air. “Selain itu, tak membutuhkan tenaga untuk memindahkan pot tanaman karena tak usah diangkat, cukup digeser saja, kalau ingin membersihkan,” kata Ny Marlina. Ny Marlina membeli kaki pot dari temannya, Ny Sianiwati, perajin pemula bidang kaki pot dengan harga relatif murah. Dari ukuran kecil seharga Rp 10.000 per buah, menengah Rp 25.000 per buah, sampai Rp 50.000 per buah untuk kaki pot jangkung ukuran 100 cm. KAKI pot buatan Ny Sianiwati, yang juga tinggal di daerah Cipaku, dibuat dengan bahan kawat sampai besi beton berukuran 10 milimeter. Aneka bentuk kaki pot dibuat sesuai selera konsumen. Kaki pot tersebut dilapisi bubuk plastik dengan warna hitam sehingga tahan karat. Kaki pot berwarna hitam yang banyak diproduksi sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen. Aneka macam kaki pot banyak dijual penjual tanaman hias di Jakarta, Bogor, dan daerah lainnya. Harganya tergantung dari ukurannya dan kualitas produknya. Pot berkaki dapat ditempatkan di mana saja, kapan saja anda suka, untuk memperindah ruangan atau teras rumah. Meski demikian, diperlukan kejelian menata ruangan dengan pot tanaman hias yang berkaki. Pilih jenis tanaman hias dan pilih kaki pot yang sesuai. Untuk tanaman hias, belilah sebatas kemampuan untuk menghias ruangan taman atau teras. Tak perlu membeli tanaman hias yang mahal harganya. Sebab, tanaman hias yang murah harganya tetap memukau. Ia tak kalah menarik dan menawan dengan yang mahal harganya bila ditata dengan apik. Meski demikian, jangan asal memasang kaki pot. Sebab, kalau sembarangan memasang kaki pot, kenyamanan dan keindahannya tak akan bisa dinikmati. Sumber : Kompas


Anemone, the Windflower: Part 2 - the Fibrous-rooted Species

In part 2 of this 3 part series I will discuss the attributes of a few of the fibrous-rooted anemone species. As mentioned earlier, there are about 120 species of Anemone which fall into three groups; the tuberous-rooted, fibrous-rooted and tall, fall-flowering. By far the largest group are those with fibrous roots or at most, thin rhizomes. These grow in a wide range of habitats from semi-deserts, grasslands, woodland, subalpine, high alpine and even the high Arctic, throughout the world. The tuberous-rooted, on the other hand, are mostly European (refer to part 1 ) while the fall-flowering hail from China and Japan. Let's start close to home with some American species. One of the most widespread is A. canadensis (zone 3), a widespread woodlander to grassland species which can reach 30-60 cm. This species has loose clusters of 3-5 cm white flowers in early summer. Plants spread rapidly so may be a bit of a bully in a perennial border. Probably better to grow this one in the wildflower garden. Confined to the east-central is the foliar look-alike species A. virginiana (zone 4), however, its flowers are not nearly as attractive, being rather small and dirty-white. By Todd Boland (Todd_Boland)July 12, 2008


Comparison of environmental and mutational variation in flowering time in Arabidopsis

Developmental dynamics can be influenced by external and endogenous factors in a more or less analogous manner. To compare the phenotypic effects of (i) environmental [i.e. standard (stPhP) and extended (exPhP) photoperiods] changes in Arabidopsis wild types and (ii) endogenous genetic variation in eav1–eav61 early flowering mutants, two temporal indicators were analysed, the time to bolting (DtB) and the number of leaves (TLN). It was found that DtB and TLN are differentially affected in different environmental and genetic contexts, and some factors of dynamic convergence were identified. The quantitative response to photoperiod is markedly contingent on the phototrophic input for DtB, but less so for TLN. To discriminate the light quantity and period components in DtB, two novel temporal indicators were determined, LtB (photosynthetic time to bolting) and PChron (DtB h–1 of photoperiod), respectively. The use of PChron results in a coincidence of the variation profiles across stPhP and exPhP, interpreted as a buffering of the trophic response. Unlike natural accessions and later flowering mutants, the variation profiles across stPhP and eav mutants are significantly divergent, pointing to differences in environmental and genetic variation in flowering time. Yet, phenocopy effects and dynamic convergence between wild-type and mutant profiles are detected by using exPhP and the LtB indicator. Additional analyses of the cauline leaf number (CLN) show that the apical and basal boundaries of the primary inflorescence vary co-ordinately. The finding that the correlativity between CLN and TLN changes across photoperiods suggests that different states of intra-connectedness are involved in ontogenetic specification of flowering time and embodied in the primary inflorescence. Key words: Arabidopsis, bolting, correlativity, developmental dynamics, flowering time, early flowering mutant, phase change, phenocopy, phenotypic plasticity, photoperiodic response. Sylvie Pouteau*, ValĂ©rie Ferret and Delphine Lefebvre E-mail:


Mars must have palms and Venus is a flower garden

I have been a member of multiple plant societies over the years and one of the most fascinating things I have often pondered are the gender demographics of some of these societies. As a child I had always assumed plants (flowers) were a woman's department. I hardly ever saw men working in the garden- they were at ‘work', while the women stayed home and worked in the garden. I personally had no interest in plants until much later in life, and perhaps my early observations had something to do with that. My first exposure to a plant society was with the African Violet ‘club' my wife considered joining at one time- turned out to be as I had always expected, mostly women, though a few men were involved (I assumed they were spouses dragged into the club kicking and screaming, just as I was prepared to do should my wife try to get me to join). By Geoff Stein (palmbob), July 13, 2008


Thursday, July 10, 2008

The effect of soybean stunt virus infecfion levels on the yield of soy bean

Field experiment to study the effect of soybean stunt virus (SSV) infection levels on the yield of soybean cv. Tidar was conducted at Kuningan experiment station of Sukamandi research institute for Food Crops in the 1991 dry season. Under natural infection levels ranging from 0-3 scale. The result revealed that SSV level of infection affects dry weight, number of pod and yield of soybean. The reduction of losses caused by SSV for infection levels 1, 2 and 3 were 41%, 50% and 71% respectively as compared with healthy plants. D. Kuswardhana, Y Suryadi and D. Kusdiaman; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sukamandi


Role of mineral nutrition in stem cutting upon initial growth of cassava

Cassava is generally estabilished using hardwood stem cutting. Cutting quality was influenced by the age of plant, number of buds per cutting, length and part of the stem. Growth during the initial phase of regeneration used food reserves in the plant. The experiment was done in glass house at Surabaya on November 1986. Treatments were arranged in factorial randomized block design with four replications. The result showed that there no interaction between length of stem and planting medium affacted significantly initial groeth of stem rather than sand even after 14 until 21 days growth. It was shown that nutrient elements absorbsed from the soil by the roots. The cutting length of 25 cm increased initial growth of stem significantly rather than did in 15 cm cutting, but was not significantly differnt with cutting length 35 cm. Zainal Arifin; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sumandi.


Performance of rice hybrids deriver from some cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines.

Experiments to evaluate the performance of some rice hybrids derived from some sytoplasmic male sterile lines were conducted in Sukamandi experiment station in the dry-season 1990, wet-sea-son 1990/1991, and wet-season 1992/93 using Randomized Complete Block Design. The results indicated that in the dry-season 1990, five hybrids: Tondano A/IR29512, Tondano A/IR25912, Tondano A/Sadang, Tondano A.Cimanuk and Tondano A/M66b yiulded 6.38; 6,33; 6.26; 6.19 t/ha, respectively, higher than IR64 (6.05 t/ha), with standard heterosis ranged from 2.3 to 5.5 percent. In the wet-season 1990/1991 all of hybrids tested yielded lower than IR64 (6.45 t/ha). Meanwhile, in the wetseason 1992/93, all of hybrids tested yielded higher than IR64 (2.46 t/ha). Bambang Sutaryo and Bambang Suprihatno; Spat Peneliti pada Balittan Sukamandi


The study of albino plant formation on rice anther culture

The study of albino plant formation on rice anther culture is based on the experiences and research conducted by some scientists on rice anther culture in the world. Albino plant is a plant without chlorophyll and, therefore, has no ability to perform photosynthetic process. The plants are usually formed in the tissue culture especially in rice anther culture experiments. The albino plant formation is not desirable due to the fact that it will decrease is not desirable due to the fact that it will decrease the experiments indicated that there is not enough evidence to prove that genotype has a direct effect on the formation of albino plant. Physiological factors are more likely to affect albino plant formation rather than genetical factors. More research is needed to elucidate the problem of albino plant in tissue culture especially rice anther culture. Mohammad Fatchurochim Masyhudi


Panen Padi Mira 1 Lebih Menjanjikan

KUDUS - Bibit padi jenis Mira 1 menjanjikan harapan baru, bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan. Setidaknya hal itu terlihat dari hasil panen raya padi uji coba bibit jenis Mira 1 Fakultas Pertanian (FP) Universitas Muria Kudus (UMK) di Desa Lambangan, Kecamatan Undaan, Kamis (26/6). Jenis bibit Mira 1 adalah salah satu varietas bibit yang dikembangkan oleh Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN). ”Varietas lain yang dikembangkan di desa Lambangan yaitu, jenis Juwono, Dewa Ruci, dan C Herang,” kata Dekan Fakultas Pertanian UMK, Hendy Hendro HS, M.Si. Dari hasil uji coba penanaman padi hasil kerjasama dengan Himpunan Keurukunan Tani (HKTI) Kabupaten Kudus tersebut dalam 1 hektar sawah bibit Mira 1 dapat menghasilkan panen kurang lebih 10 ton. ”Bahkan ada yang mencapai 11,5 ton,” kata Wariyo, Ketua HKTI cabang Kudus. Menurut Wariyo, padi Mira 1 ini sangat cocok ditanam di daerah Undaan. Secara kualitas, varietas padi Mira 1 ini memiliki rasa pulen dan berjenis umbuk. Jika dibandingkan dengan padi jenis Ceherang, IR 64, Mira 1 lebih potensial. Jenis ini menghasilkan panen yang lebih besar jika dibanding dengan hasil budidaya varietas lain yang selama ini ditanam petani di Kecamatan Undaan. ” Dengan varietas lain, hanya menghasilkan gabah sekitar 7-8 ton per hektare, atau terdapat selisih 2-3 ton hasil panen per hektare, ” jelas Wariyo, yang juga ketua kelompok tani dari Desa Kalirejo. Panen raya padi jenis Mira 1 kemarin ditandai dengan pemotongan perdana oleh Rektor UMK, Prof. Dr. dr. Sarjadi, Sp.PA. (H50-64) Sumber: Suara Merdeka


The equilibrium moisture content of three soybean varieties (Glycine max L.) at the various relative humidity

The aim of this experiment was to study the storage stability of soybean through the study of its equilibrium moisture content at various relative humidity. The soybean varieties used were Lokon, Guntur and Lokal Brebes. The equilibrium moisture content conditions were settled by adsorption static method under room temperature of five levels of water activity (Aw). The experiment was conducted using complere randomized design. The c and n contants were calculated by using Henderson equation. Results of the experiment indicated that there were no difference in equilibrium moisture content as well as c and n constants value among the three soybean varieties. In conclusion the three soybean varieties would have had the same storage stability; therefore they need the same storage sondition to reach optimum storage stability. Soejadi; Staf peneliti balai penelitian tanaman pangan Sukamandi
